14. Sound thee alarm

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-Tuesday Oct. 4th, 2022
-Skie's house
-7:40 a.m.


Aliiysa's POV

I was rudely waken up by and alarm of some sort. I looked around me and completely forgot that I was at Skie's house. I saw that she was completely knocked out on the other end of the couch which made me smile. It lowkey amazed me that she was sleeping through this annoying ass alarm.

I got up and turned off the alarm coming from her phone.

"Skie." I called out trying to wake her up but she didn't budge.

I then went and shook her shoulder which made her damn near piss herself.

"Mmm, what?" She asked tiredly, sitting up.

"Your alarm was going off." I said rubbing my eyes.

"We'll um...I'm finna go nd get ready, I'll see you at school okay." I said, grabbing my phone and keys.

"Wait, comere." She said holding her arms out

I bent down and gave her a hug and when I tried to move away she held onto me. "Bro lemme go." I chuckled.

"I missed you." She muffled in my neck


"I missed you too baby, I gotta go."

"No." She wined

Omgg she such a baby.

"I know but I can't go looking like this."

"You can borrow sum of my clothes." She said finally letting go.

I was gonna say no until she gave me those eyes-. Ughhh I can't resist her.

"Okay fine." I said

She smiled and jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

I carried her upstairs. "Which one is your room?" I asked

"Last door onna left." She responded

I carefully opened the door and tried to put her down.

I laughed. "Bae you can't say latched onto me, we gotta get ready."

"Fuck school, I'm tryna fuck you." She said inna sexy tone, just above a whisper.

"Bae it's early inna morning now comon lemme go."

She did but folded her arms and pouted.

I lifted up her chin. "Comon baby, don't do that." I said, started to feel bad.

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