27. Lowkey

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Aliiysa's POV

The plan was successful. 3 of the maids made sure everything was secure and I promised them 1k each. My buddy double dutch holding down the fort till I get back.

I made Skie hide under some clothes inna backseat until we get outta range from the warehouse. When we got at least 2 miles away I gave her the clear to climb into the front seat.

"So where we going?" She asked

"I thought maybe I'd take you back to the mall and we continue where we left off that day." I said looking over at her.

"Great cuz I'm starving."

Skie's POV

*Arrives at the mall*

When we arrived at the mall we went straight to the food court. Ofc I got what I had last time...shi was too good. Aliiysa decided to get some subway...basic asfk but wtv.

As soon as we sit down and started talking...y'all can prolly guess who showed up.

"Ohh look who showed up with their lil boo thang." Jewl said with a sly smirk

"Mcht...here she go." I mumbled to myself, rolling my eyes.

"*sighs* how can we help you Jewl?" Aliiysa said.

"Oh nothing, jus thought I'd stop by to say hey. Haven't seen you two in a minute." She said, sitting next to me.

I shifted in my seat.

"So how's life." She asked

"Great." Me and Aliiysa responded in unison

"How's therapy treating you?" I asked

Aliiysa kicked me under the table.

Aliiysa chuckled. "Um...yea it is was great seeing you Jewl, we better get going."

"I think that's a great Idea, wouldn't want any problems after that smart comment." Jewl said

I looked at her. "I agree, wouldn't want you to take another L."

"You think somebody is freighted by you...not even the slightest love." She laughed

"Mmm, guess you didn't learn ya lesson, I recommend full time therapy, maybe a physic ward, mental institute." I joked

"Okay seriously y'all too old to be going back and forth with eachother, it's lowkey getting annoying."

"We'll maybe next time you need to tame ya dog before i walk ha down." Jewl said

She snapped her head at Jewl. "Aye, this is my girlfriend. You will not disrespect, look or even speak to her again. You bugging and you doing too much for no reason."

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