13. Mr. Brown pt.2

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What she said still lingered in the back of my mind as I told her my side of the situation.

I haven't seen, heard from or talked to that nigga in years. He left me and my mom and without saying goodbye. Now all of a sudden he wanna pop up. Even though mom dukes is dead I can handle myself, been doing it. I don't wanna see him but I do have some questions that deserves answers. As far as I'm concerned, he don't even give a fuck about mom or me. Especially if he just up and leaves outta nowhere, leaving her to raise their child alone with a broken heart. That's not something you can rebound from so easily.

As me and the lady finished talking she got a call saying that my father was here. "Perfect timing." She said.

She then took me to another office where he stood. He was about 6'0, dark skinned, had muscles for days, eyebrow slits and hella tattoos.

"Alright, Skie since you have a clean record and a straight A student for the most part, we're gonna give you a two day suspension. Have a good night and we'll hope to see you on Thursday." The lady said with a smile.

I nodded and walked out the office, heading for the front door.

"Wait Skie." He said, walking behind me

I turned around.

"So um...it's been a minute." he smiled

"No shit." I said looking him up and down.

His face dropped.

"Look, I can take myself home. Gon head and go back to where you came from, I can handle myself." I said before walking out the door.

He followed behind. "Okay well I was hoping we could talk a little bit, you know...catch up ." He said

I stayed silent. I'm honestly not interested in getting to know shit about him. Nor do I want him to know shit about me. Being complete strangers in knowing he's my sperm donor is fine.

"Look dude, I'm sorry you came all the way from wherever the fuck just to get rejected but ion want shit to do with you. Nor do I have anything to say to you." I said

"I know I haven't been there and I apologize for that. Just lemme be here for you now." He pleaded

I shook my head and got in my car, starting the ignition.

"Would you at least think about it?" He asked, looking through the window.

I ignored him, turning up the music and pulling off.

I was lowkey pissed. "This man crazy as hell asking me that shit." I said to myself


*arrives at home*

I locked the door and threw myself on the couch.

"*sighs* Today has been rough." I said to myself.

There was too much on my mind and I needed some typa relief so I got up and gathered my things to roll and turned on the tv. As I started to roll I heard a knock on the door. I frowned, thinking that it was "my dad" knocking at my door for another "let's get to know eachother!" proposal.

When I opened the door i saw that it was the last person I wanted to see...Aliiysa.

"I- uhh....what are you doing here?" I hesitated

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