Chapter 13 - Dance

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The parents all walked back into the auditorium after the people who helped with the festival were ready for their speeches and a very large refreshments table was set up.

The participants were now heading into the gym. I didn't know where to go, so Luke led me there. Once we got there, there were speakers set up, and a DJ was there, already playing music.

Luke, Michael, Kara, and I were all dancing together. Kara and I were singing lyrics to most of the songs that we knew. Luke was just staring at me most of the time. They stopped playing the upbeat songs for a few slow songs. I walked over to Luke who was just standing around and talking to Michael. 

"Luke.. It's a slow song," I told him, begging him to come dance with me.

"Just warning you, babe.. I'm not the best," he warned me.

"I don't care if you're good, I just want to dance with you," I let go of his wrist, putting my arms around his neck. His arms snaked around my waist, holding me close to him, very close to him. We began to sway back and forth. Michael and Kara were watching us. They looked at each other, smiled, then continued watching us. 

I laid my head on his shoulder, still swaying with him. This was great. There weren't many people on the dance floor right now, since not many had boyfriends or girlfriends that were here. 

I whispered in his ear, "So I hear you're a mumma's boy?" I giggled a little bit, thinking it was cute.

"That's what my mum told you, huh?"

"Yeah," I told him, still giggling a little.

"Hey, what's so funny about that?" He asked.

"Nothing's funny.. It's cute." 

"Oh," he kissed the top of my head that was now facing towards him. I took my head off his shoulder, looking at him. He leaned down and kissed my lips, whispering, "Happy Birthday, babe."

"Thank you Luke," I whispered back as we continued to sway back and forth. I never wanted this night to end. This was perfect. It felt like it was just Luke and me and nobody else mattered. I loved that feeling.

The last slow song for a while ended, and Luke and I stopped slow dancing. Luke walked back over to the side of the gym with Michael as the One Direction song "What Makes You Beautiful" began to play. Kara and I began fangirling as usual when a One Direction song came on.

Kara and I danced around, singing all of the words. That was lots of fun, too. That night was amazing. Towards the end of the song, Harry's solo came up, but I didn't just hear Harry sing it.

Luke came up behind me, singing the words into my ear as he put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell..." He sang into my ear and kissed my cheek from behind. Afterwards, he walked back to the side of the gym. I pulled Kara over closer to he side of the gym near them. Luke smirked at me, and I did back. 

"Hey, you two should make out, like, right now..." Kara whispered, loud enough that Luke heard and smiled.

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