Robots? Really you aren't that cool.

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As soon as I had gotten to my room I just let myself fall onto my bed. Allowing myself to fall asleep not too long after doing that.

I assumed I was dreaming. They always had a little bit of different feeling to them. For some reason this just felt a bit rosy which is odd.

Then again that's mostly what dreams are. Just whatever you are currently thinking about. With the addition of whatever you want there. They are thought of whatever your mind wants. They are the current and place of there mind. So if its rosy then clearly I have some more fond thoughts about something.

I don't really remeber the dream too much. I knew it was something. But I haven't a clue why I was thinking about such a thing. I had maybe thought about something that was maybe deep down. Not that I have a clue what.

The next person I need to talk to is Doctor Kahl. Quite frankly this is probably going to hurt. Unfortunately the last time I talked to him I might have blown up what he was working on.

So what it took him a day to fix it. To me it just looked like a pile of junk. He literally owns a darn scrapyard. What was I supposed think I wasn't junk. It's misleading if you ask me.

Who does that. If it's a junk yard it's junk so I'm blowing it up for fun simple. What else was I supposed to do. I'm the Devil of course I'm going to explode things. Is fun plus it causes chaos. I'm sure that it's not that important. You could always just remake it with scrap. There's always some rubbish. It seems to be never ending around that place.

That's what those places do deal with rubbish. Eventually it's going to get destroyed anyways. Seriously who cares. Well clearly him. I don't at all. Then again If someone got rid of my pitchfork I would not be so happy. I'd do anything to get back. If that's how he sees that pile of trash. Then I guess I can see his point.

Why am I even thinking about this. Right walking to my appending failure. Ugh no it will be a failure if I keep thinking about it like that.

Why did this stupid scrapyard have to be all the way on the other side of town. Why couldn't it be closer.

While I was walking through town I heard a tune. I know that tune I guess that King Dice guy must be around here.

No no I mustn't be listening to this I have to get on with the task at hand. That should be so very simple. Get to the place ask him to work for me. Get attacked by a boring robot. Run out maybe pass out then I can move onto others on the list. Ugh it's starting to end up being more of a task than I thought.

All that matters is that I get someone to work for me. Who I can get along with. Not only that doesn't hate me but would be willing to do whatever I say. Which I'm starting to think doesn't exist. If that does maybe I'm just completely blind to it.

Of course I had to listen to him. Why couldn't I have just stayed on track. Actually no scratch that why am I walking straight towards where he's singing.

Oh right no he had to be near the outside of town. Why couldn't I just pay attention to what was going on . I just need to . No you know what scratch that I need someone to work for me. Using the list instead of braking of it is what I'm trying to do. Not this.

Of course the way to the stupid scrapyard was through a small Forestry area. I suppose it was to hide it. That and it gives the isle more places to sit at I suppose.

Which at this current point I'd stopped to look at Dice. Who was sitting outside on a bench.

He'd noticed me of course he had. He'd even struck up a conversation with me.

"Hey hey there . I didn't think you'd be an outdoor person but here you are."

"I'm really not Dice."

"Then what you doing all the way out here?"

Inkwell Isles own DevilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang