Chapter 3: C.A.T.s Headquarters

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They land a little ways from the headquarters of Covens Against the Throne; as they approach the door, Hunter seems to be trying to shrink behind Camila.

"Luz?" she asks, "Why don't you knock - they know you and they don't know me. I'll be right here."

Luz nods, glancing back at Hunter, "Yeah, you're right. That makes sense." She knocks on the door and then steps back beside her mother.

A few moments later, the door creeks open, "Can I help-". Raine's words fail as they see who is on the other side, "Oh my Titan, Luz!"

Luz waves, "Yeah - we made it. Willow, Gus, Amity, Hunter...we're all back." She turns gestures to Camila, "And this is my mom, Camila. She came with us."

Raine waves them inside, "Come on in!" They call, "Darius! You need to see this!" They turn back to their guests, "Do you have a place to stay tonight? Are you hungry?"

"Famished," Luz says, "Bump was getting dinner at the school for the others, but we didn't stick around - it's getting late and it's been a long day."

"Are you going to head to Eda's tonight?" Raine asks.

"That's the plan - any reason we shouldn't?"

Raine shakes their head, "No, just keep an eye out for trouble on the road. There's been some bandit activity since things went sideways. They sigh, "Damnit, where is Darius? He's been so worried...."

As if on cue, he steps into the room, "Raine, this had better be importa-". His words fail when he sees Hunter, "Oh thank Titan." He rushes to his young friend and offers a hug, a little awkward.

Hunter nod and steps into it, "Hey, Darius."

"I thought you were dead."

"Kinda wondered the same about you, too," Hunter says as he steps back, Darius' hands still on his shoulders.

"I'll go get you all something to eat," Raine says, smiling, "It won't be anything elaborate, but it'll hold you over until you get to Eda's." They leave the room.

Darius turns to the others, "You all look tired - come, take a seat," he says, leading them to a room with couches and cushions.

"We can't stay too long tonight," Camila says, "We're trying to get to the Owl House before too late. But we appreciate the hospitality."

"It was a long day in the human realm...walked through the woods to get to the Bonesborough, stopped at Hexside, and then ended up here," Luz explains, "And we still need to make it to Eda's."

"You're welcome to stay the night here," Darius offers.

Luz shakes her head, "Thanks, but I really need to see Eda. I need to see she's OK for myself."

He nods, 'I understand." He turns to Hunter, "You're welcome to on your own, too," he offers.

Hunter sighs, "I don't know...."

Seeing the hesitation on his face, Darius hurries to reply, "It's alright if you don't. If you need to stay with Luz and her mother, you're welcome to. I just wanted to make sure you know you're safe here."

Hunter nods, "OK. Yeah. Thanks. I think I need to be with them right now."

Raine comes in with sandwiches and a steaming tea kettle; Darius helps them set the tray down on the low table in the middle of the room with a tentacle of abomination matter, "Thanks." They turn to their guests, "It's not much, but I hope it'll do."

Hunter slides from his seat and inches up to the table, hesitating as he reaches for a sandwich, glancing at Raine, wondering if he should ask permission; they hand him a plate, "Thanks. Got to admit...I'm not really sure how this all works now...."

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