Chapter 20: Things New

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The five friends wake up together and start their day with breakfast and sharing their plans for the day. They talk about what they expect of their classes and how they hope the day will go.

Luz turns to Hunter, "So...what about you? You coming to visit us today?"

He shrugs, "Maybe. I haven't talked to Steve yet."

Almost as if on cue, a very tired, bedraggled looking Steve enters the kitchen, "Huh? What?"

"Might want to wake up a bit there before you join us making plans," Gus says.

Steve shakes his head, "Nah, I'm fine. What's up?"

"Well," Hunter begins, "I'd like to take you up on that offer of going on a ride this morning, if you're still willing. I realized last night that you're probably one of the only people I'm ever going to get the chance to spend time with who actually knows what it was like being a coven scout. It would be good for me to share some stuff with you, even if you can't relate all the way, just because you'll get it. And I'd like to stop by Hexside to see my friends for lunch and have a chat with Principal Bump about starting classes."

Steve nods, "Sure, we can do that. There's some places on the Isles I love to go to sit and think – great views, quiet places. So maybe we can check out a few and have some time to talk."

"I'd like that. But fair warning, I get jumpy in the woods. Like, too many trees, too easy for somebody to sneak up on me," Hunter says.

"Well they won't be sneaking up on the bike," Steve says, "and I'll keep that in mind when picking our stops."

"Thanks. Well...guess I should get ready for the day, then." Hunter stands and stretches, "See you guys later."

"Remember," Willow says, "Gus and I will be going home after school. We won't be back tonight."

Hunter nods, "OK. Well...guess I'll see you later than later."

Willow stands and gives him a hug, "No, I'll see you at lunch. Then it'll be later than later."

Gus and Luz both stand to give him a hug as well before he leaves the room to bathe and get ready for the day. They quickly finish their breakfast, wash their dishes, and head out the door for school, saying goodbye to Eda and Camila in the living room as they pass.

They're gone by the time Lilith staggers into the kitchen to find Steve, now ready for the day, sipping a steaming mug of tea at the table, "Good morning, sleepyhead," he says, "You OK? You're usually up before me."

She nods, "I'm just exhausted. I have so much to do...I'm supposed to be researching the Collector and I've been to every library on the Isles I can find and there's just nothing. I've read so many books on draining spells and ways to counter magic that my head's spinning with all the ways Belos could destroy us. I miss King, and knowing he can't get free makes all this seem so much heavier. If I can't learn about the Collector, I can't bring him home." She sits down across from him, "Steve, I'm failing the family if I can't do this."

Steve shakes his head and rests his hand over hers, "'re not failing. You're doing everything in your power and then some to try to figure this out. You've read books on magic that made me cringe – that Grimwalker book you and Eda read a little out loud from when we were in Latissa? That's some wild stuff, and pretty disturbing. All the books on forbidden magic? It's just incredible what you're willing to put yourself through in order to try to help. Just...take care of yourself, OK? Maybe take a day off."

"But there's so much to do. Raine has more reports we need to go over and Darius has a map he's made of the cultists and they both were talking about going out with Eberwolf to see if the four of us can take on Terra Snapdragon...she's apparently been following Graye around and he's been using illusions to try to make people believe the Day of Unity was something benevolent gone awry...."

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