Chapter 19: Meet the Parents

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In the morning, the five friend tell Eda about the plan to have Willow, Gus, and Amity's dads over for snacks and tea in the evening. Eda assures them she will invite them personally and get everything ready while they are at school as she ushers them out the door. Hunter stays behind, still not ready to start classes.

"You know you're going to have to commit to this at some point, right? Bump's only going to let you delay for so long," Eda tells him as they tidy up the breakfast dishes.

"I know. I just...I'm nervous."

"I know. And I get it. I would be, too. But you need to do something to take your mind of things. And as much as I appreciate the entire new set of curtains you've made for the house, and I think it's sweet that you've been making clothes for everyone, at some point, you're either going to run out of fabric or fill up our closets and you'll need something else to do. School is that something."

Hunter nods, "Yeah. you think he'd let me start in the middle of the week?"

Eda smiles, "We can ask." He goes quiet as he scrubs a sticky spot on the table, "Look, Hunter...I don't want to be just another adult telling you what you should do with your life. I know it's really important to not let you fall back into the pattern of just following orders. But you also need to learn how to use your magic. It's there, but I can only teach you so much on my own. I learned that with Luz. So go to school, learn everything you can, and then do your own thing with it. Talk to your sis – she'll help you figure out how to do things differently, if you can't do them exactly like they're taught."

He sighs, "Yeah.... I know, I get it, the steps should seem easy, but...they're not."

"How about when Camila and Lily get back from shopping, I make you a mug of something warm and spiced and give you and your other mom some time alone? I think you need to talk to her. Camila's learning glyphs in a world that's completely new to her. I think she might be a better person to help you right now than I can be."

"Maybe. Or I could just go sequester myself with the sewing machine."

"Nope, not this time, mister. I love that you've found a hobby like this, and I love that it's something that you have an incredible talent for and it's practical, but you have to work this through, not just shove it out of the way so you can put all your focus on making stuff."

"Dang it, Eda."

She affectionately ruffles his hair, "Yeah, them's the breaks, kiddo – you have to deal with mama Eda's tough love today."

He smiles, "It's still weird to me to think about having moms."

"Well...get used to it, because we're not going anywhere."

"I know. And I like knowing that. It's comforting."

Eda takes the rag from him, "Look...I can see that you're nervous – you've scrubbed the same spot on the table six times and it's not getting any cleaner than clean. Go and sew until they get back. Steve'll be back first after he's delivered invitations and I'll make you go touch grass for a little with him, and when Lily and Camila come home, you can sit with Camila and have a little talk. After that, you can go back to sewing, OK?"

He nods, "Yes, ma'am."

Eda shakes her head, "No, sorry, I just gave orders. And don't call me 'ma'am' – makes me feel old."

He shrugs, "It's alright – it's a good plan."

"No. You've been told what to do your whole life and I'm not about to start making it a habit here. If you like the suggestion, take it. I'd still really like you to take time with Camila. She calms you in a way I don't know that I can. But the rest of it...take it or leave it. But don't do it because I told you to, OK?"

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