Chapter 29: Healing

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Even with the skills of master healers, it takes Hunter a week to be able to walk more than the distance to the bathroom and back without feeling weak after. When Hunter feels strong enough, he meets his friends in the comfort closet and falls asleep on the pillows snuggled with them.

When he wakes the next morning, it's only Willow laying awake beside him, "So...another day I wake up with my girlfriend beside me...can't say I don't enjoy this," he says.

She giggles, "I like it, too, Hunter. It's cozy."

"I like cozy. I like our blanket nest with our friends, too, but this...this is something special."

"It's beautiful."

He takes her hand and tucks it to his chest, "So...what happens next?"

"We get to just enjoy the time, I guess. We get to go to school, be kids, and discover more of what we are to each other. We get to hang out with friends and cause mischief and play with the Collector."

"Is he still waiting? I made him a promise and I intend to keep it."

"He is. He's waiting for Darius to come back for Caleb, too."

"And for the other Golden Guards. Darius told me. I just...questioning if I should go. I told him I would. They're family. And I think it would help me to see where they ended up."

"At the bottom of a chasm...." Willow says, voice trailing off.

"Yeah. Where I would be if you guys had been just a minute or so later."

"But you didn't. And that's incredible and important." She sits up and takes his cape from the shelf, "If you go, you should bring the cape with you, even if you don't wear it. Bring it home to them."

He takes a deep breath, "Yeah. OK. That makes sense."

She leans in and kisses his nose, "My ideas are pretty good sometimes."

He laughs, "They're good a lot of the times, Captain. But I've got a question for you?"


"Can I kiss you?"

She giggles, "Absolutely!"

He sits up, cups her face in his palm, and softly kisses her, pulling her in for a hug after, "Thanks, Willow."

"You're welcome. I love you, Hunter. I like to show that."

"I love you, too. And I like to show it, the point where I think it's not really much of a secret that we're together." He laughs to himself, "Eda even commented on it when I was recovering. I kinda teased her about how obvious it was that she was still into Raine and she came back with how she's not the only one who doesn't hide what they're feeling for someone."

Willow shrugs, "Is there any reason not to? I mean, the threat's over. You have a future now. Let's celebrate it!"

He smiles, "Yeah, you're right, I do."

They're interrupted by someone knocking on the closet door, "Come on out, you two lovebirds! Nap time's over – King and the Collector just got here for Hexas Hold 'Em!" Luz calls to them.

Hunter blushes, "'s not a secret. At all."

Willow stands and offers him her hand, "Nope – and I'm fine with that." He takes her hand and they join the others for their first game night with the Collector.


While the Collector likes imagination games, they do take the time to learn the board and card games at headquarters in Latissa. Sometimes bored, they make mischief until Camila gently explains why some of their tricks upset their friends and, because Camila is kind, reassuring, and patient, no one ends up splattered anywhere.

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