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A/N: Hello Humans!

How are you all?

I'm back with another story :)

But before we start with this story, I just want to remind you people to keep your duskwood codes safe because...

I had lost mine and had to replay the game.. Not that I mind ;)

But still.. Those annoying mini games.. Who wants to keep doing those 😐

Anyways.. On to the story 👉

"Who are you?" I whispered to myself as my eyes seemed to be fixed on the glowing grey ones that were staring right back at me with an intensity that seemed to be out of this world.

A small, soft chuckle escaped his lips and on his face, was formed the smallest of smiles... Yet, it managed to ring the strings of my heart.

"You may call me, darkness."


"Yeah. That sounds fun. Count me in." I replied to an overly cheerful Jessy.

"Yay! I knew you would come with us!" She squealed like a teenage girl who just got asked out by her crush.

I finished the last few sips of my coffee and ended the call with Jessy.

She asked me out for a girls night out which Cleo had originally thought of having. Being her best friend, Cleo wanted to help Hannah to overcome the trauma of her kidnapping and the overwhelming guilt of killing someone. Even if accidentally.

Though Hannah has been doing much better now, she often gets nightmares about the man without a face and that fateful night of the pine glade festival 10 years ago.

Richy's death had taken a toll on all of us, especially Jessy. She requested me to not tell the group about the truth about Richy being the actual culprit and obviously, I agreed.

Since his father could not manage to run the garage on his own at this growing age, he decided to shut it down.

Phil was also released from the jail and continued with his life as it was before. Although he tries to spend more time with his sister and be nice to her, his womanising ways don't seem to let go of him yet.

Everyone else's life is finally starting to come on track again, everyone's except mine.

And it feels like it would never be the same again.

I wish I could say that Jake managed to get rid of his pursuers or went into hiding, but that's not the case.

He was caught on the same day Hannah was found and Richy left us. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard I tried to save him, he was sentenced 14 years of strict imprisonment.

Yet, I always keep a smile on my face whenever I meet the others. I laugh with them, listen to their problems and give advices to them.

Crying or being sad over something which has always been out of my control won't solve the problem.

I paid my bill and left the cafe. This is what my everyday has become.

The environment around me is always peaceful. Just how a normal day in a normal town goes. People going on about their everyday chores and work. Kids going and coming back from school. Chirping birds and soft blowing cold winter breezes.

No worries about a kidnapper or a 'murderer' lurking the streets of this beautiful small town. No worries about a legend turned reality. No worries about a missing girl. No worries about a special someone being on the run from the government.

Still, there's always a hollow feeling in the depths of my heart.

An incompleteness.

That I just can't seem to figure out how to fill.

"Accept it." I heard a husky whisper in my ear.

I turned around trying to find the source of that beautiful heavenly voice, but there was no one.

"You can't see me. Yet, I'm always there with you." The same mesmerising voice whispered again. This time, a bit louder.

I realised that I was standing alone on the street. The cold breeze blew, making me melt into the warmth of my coat and hug myself.

Am I hallucinating?

"No, MC. You're not." Came the reply from the darkness of the night.

Almost out of nowhere, a tall figure appeared out of the darkness and stood right in front of me.

He was wearing a black cloak which covered his entire body except his angelic face. His eyes were as bright colour of grey as the beautiful celestial body that orbits our Earth. His long black eyelashes that were complementing his magnificent eyes and those pink lips, which were pressed together in a straight line. His skin was pale, perfectly contradicting to his black attire. His hair, were shaggy and as black as the midnight sky.

My heart started to beat at an erratic rate as my brain didn't allow my eyes to shift their vision from the beautiful creature in front of me.

"Who are you?" I whispered to myself as my eyes seemed to be fixed on the glowing grey ones that were staring right back at me with an intensity that seemed to be out of this world.

A small, soft chuckle escaped his lips and on his face, was formed the smallest of smiles... Yet, it managed to ring the strings of my heart.

"You may call me, darkness."

I was confused.

Confused at the reality of this situation. Was my brain just playing tricks on me? Have I finally gone insane?

"No. You have not." he chuckled again.

"Don't be so surprised, darling. We have chatted before... The dark forum.. Avali.. Man without a face.. Remember? I'm the same darkness."

"You are not human." I said in a low voice.

"That's right. I am not. I am just... Darkness."

He started coming towards me with slow, steady steps as if not to scare me away. And no matter how much my brain told me to run away.. My feet were fixed on the ground as never once, did his eyes leave mine.

"What do you want from me?" I asked as he stood exactly in front of me, with that same small smile as before. The aura around him was all dark. His scent was very different... It wasn't from this world.

"I just want you to-" He started leaning in close to my face.. His nose was almost touching mine. His eyes seemed to stare right into my soul as he slowly tilted his face and brought his lips to my ear.

"Accept me." He whispered.

And as if in a trance... I did.

"Welcome to the black parade~"


A/N: ooooooh~

So did you guys like it??

Make sure to vote if u did :)

And requests are always open so feel free to message me if u have one.

I'll be happy to write your requests.

And keep ur duskwood codes safe :')

Bye bye until next time. <3

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