A sacrifice

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A/N: So, I was talking with my friends about ghosts and love (Yeah ik two very different topics)  this other day and that is where I got the idea of writing this story :)

This one is going to be long one.

I hope you all like it.


"Isn't the weather lovely today?"

"It sure is."

"Hey! Do you remember the first question that you had asked me in our first small talk was about how the weather was?!"

"...You're right... You still remember that?"

"Of course! You were so hesitant to talk to me! I had to kind of force you to chat."

"Yeah... Considering how important it was to me that I remain as low on radar as possible."

"Oh hush. You were just shy."

"Was not!"

"Yes you were!"

Jake and I bickered as we both sat on a roof top of a random house in Duskwood, observing everything happening around.

A bird perched up on the roof top beside me, slowly walking towards me.

It moved and tilted it's head in different directions, staring at me as I stared back.

I raised my hand towards it and tried to brush my fingers over it's head, sighing sadly when my fingers passed right through it.

The bird came even closer to me, wondering why my skin didn't make contact with it. Suddenly, it flew and tried to sit on my shoulder, only to fail and still be left flying in air, flailing it's wings.

It then ignored me and tried to sit on Jake's head as he stared at it in amusement, only to find the same result as it did with me.

The bird chirped at us, as if trying to ask us why it isn't able to touch us.

"You can't feel us little birdy... No one can." I said softly.

"It's a miracle itself that it can see us." Jake commented.

The bird stared at us, still tilting it's head before finally flying away.

I sighed and rested my head on Jake's shoulder before closing my eyes.

Soft wind blew around us, making the leaves on the trees rustle.

My eyes shot open when I heard familiar voices of laughter reaching my ears.

I moved my head away from Jake's shoulder and stared down at the ground in the park where he was already looking at a group of friends.

Our group of friends.

They were laughing at something Dan said.

A huge smile crept over my face when I saw all of their faces.

The only regret being that they couldn't see our faces... Ever again.

"They look happy."

"They do." Jake and I smiled at each other before looking at them again.

"Jessy doesn't look as happy though.." I frowned when I saw the look on her face.

"I think Jessica is still not over everything that happened."

"Right..." I sighed.

"She used to be so carefree and bubbly. Always bringing positivity with her bright smiles."

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