Broken Promise

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A/N: Hey people! I hope you're all doing good :)

I'm here with a new story that I wrote upon request by ar_revolutsioon

This isn't a continuation of the original story of Duskwood but instead is set in a different universe where all our characters are still in high school.

So, it's completely different from the story that we all know.

[This is a longer story too ;)]

I hope you all like it :)

Another boring day. I thought to myself. The math teacher, Mr. Bloomgate, was as usual blabbering about something that I didn't understand.

After 45 minutes, the class was finally over and Mr. Bloomgate left, not before giving us a whole ton of homework as always.

"Why is my life so boring?" I thought out aloud to my best friend- Jessy.

"Well, it's not just your life that's boring." She replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Just look around and see for yourself."

Well, yeah. Everyone in the class looked so bored and done with life. Everyday was literally the same for all of us.

"I wish there was something interesting happening here." Thomas, the class monitor said.

"Exactly." Cleo, my classmate said. "Anyway, I made this new cake whose recipe I saw online and I was wondering if anyone would like to try it." She continued.

"Oh I'd do the honour, our great baker." Richy said while giving Cleo a small bow.

"This place is literally boring as hell. I'm so done with this town." Dan said and stretched back, putting his hands behind his head, hitting Lilly, who was sitting behind him, on the face.

"Nah. I bet even hell is more interesting." She replied after giving him a smack on the head.

Just then, Ms. Walter, our class teacher showed up. "Well, class there's someone I would like to introduce you all to." She said.

Then, a boy, who was obviously our age, entered the classroom. "This is Jake. He's your new classmate who has recently shifted to this town and I want all of you to help him in catching up the syllabus and making him comfortable here."

Jake had pale skin and jet black hair which were shaggy. A few strands were fallen upon his forehead, covering his eyes. He was dressed in all black from top to bottom. His eyes kept darting from us to the floor which gave the impression that he was a shy guy.

Ms. Walter asked Jake to introduce himself, which he did. But I couldn't concentrate on a word he said. I was just so mesmerised by this guy.

I caught a glimpse of his eyes when he was speaking and saw how they were the most deepest shade of blue eyes that I'd ever seen. They were gorgeous.

After he was done introducing himself, the teacher asked Jake to take a seat with Phil, in front of me and Jessy.

I gave a look at Jessy and saw how she was just as amazed by Jake as I was. There was something about him.. Something about his aura that attracted me to him. As if.. We were meant to meet.

"Hey man! I'm Phil." Phil introduced himself to Jake, who only returned the favour.

"So.. Got any chicks after you? With looks such as those, I wouldn't be surprised if u had a girlfriend or two." Phil winked at Jake.

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