Chapter 2- Sophie's POV

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"She's going off about something that you said..."

   Gianna followed Sophie and Keefe to the table where their friends were sitting. Gianna's eyes seemed to light up when she saw Fitz and Tam. She immediately moved to go sit next to them, earning a glare from Biana.

"Who's this?" She asked Sophie. She cleared her throat and looked to Keefe.

"Um, guys. This is my childhood friend Gianna. Gia, these are my friends Biana, Tam, Linh, Fitz, Dex, and Marella. And of course, you already know Foster."

Gianna didn't seem to notice anyone was speaking. She moved closer to Tam, ignoring the rest of them. 

Biana's face turned red, and Tam noticably moved away. Fitz looked at Keefe questioningly. He looked back, shrugging. His ice blue eyes met hers, and she turned away. 

"Hmm. You look familiar." Gianna said, looking at Fitz. "Do you know anyone named Alvar Vacker by any chance?"

Fitz looked a bit surprised. "Um yeah. He's mine and Biana's older brother." 

"Why?" Biana added, her face still glowing. Marella spoke up.

"Um guys, we should probably order." she said, nodding towards the waitress that was standing by their table.

"I'm not going to eat anything. This place smells a bit. Who knows what bugs and rats they have here." Gianna said rudely. Everyone turned to stare at her, and the poor waitress looked insulted.

"Shut up Gianna. Thats plain rude." Marella said, glaring at her. 

"Sorry, she didn't mean that. This place is amazing." Sophie said, glancing at the waitress. The waitress nodded, and walked off, muttering something about being back later. 

"What was that?" Linh asked. "You can't go around insulting people!"

"Please. I could own this place if I wanted to." Gianna scoffed. "Do you even know who I am? My parents are richer than your's ever could be." Sophie looked around. Linh and Marella were glaring at Gianna, Biana's face was glowing with rage, Dex, Tam, and Fitz were grinding their teeth in fury. Keefe was slumped in his seat, not saying anything. 

"Keefe, say something!" Dex protested. Keefe looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped. 

"Its fine. She doesn't mean it." he sighed, looking defeated. Sophie couldn't believe that Keefe was just letting Gianna be that rude. She had known the girl for less than 30 minutes, and already hated her.

"I'm leaving." Sophie said, standing up and grabbing her stuff. Biana, Linh, Marella, Fitz, Dex, and Tam followed. Bi promply walked out of the resteraunt, putting a huge tip in the tip jar. "Keefe, you can come if you want." When he didn't move, Sophie scoffed, following Biana out. 

---------------------------------------------------------Time Skip----------------------------------------------------------

It was the next day, and Sophie had just gotten to school. She was wearing a simple grey sweater and jeans. Foxfire High's dresscode didn't include uniforms, but it was fairly strict. She had her first class, Science, with Biana and Keefe. Hearing the bell ring, she jogged over to the other end of the wing, and walked into class. Someone snorted as she walked in, and she spotted Gianna towards the back, with Keefe next to her. Biana waved her over from her corner in the classroom, and Sophie went to sit down. Biana was as fashionable as always. She was wearing a gray shirt with a teal scarf, black pants, and winter boots.

"Why's Keefe sitting with Gianna?" Sophie asked, putting her stuff down. Biana shrugged. 

"I got here before him, and he literally just looked at me, then Gianna, then went to sit with her." 

"She was literally so rude Friday. How can Keefe accept that?" Sophie argued. Biana shrugged again. 

"She's worse than Stina. As I was walking here, she tripped me in the hallway and made me drop all of my books."

"I'm going to ask him later." Sophie said as the teacher walked in. Class went by in a blur of activity, and when the bell rang, Sophie and Biana ran to catch up with Keefe and Gianna. They were talking, and standing pretty close together. "What if he likes her?" Sophie thought, worry blooming in her stomach. She squashed the thought. Keefe would never like someone that narcassistic. Right?

As they got closer, Gianna looked over her shoulder, and tugged Keefe away. Narrowing her eyes, she pushed through the crowd of students, trying to catch up. She thought she spotted Keefe's tousled blonde hair, but when she reached out, she realized it was Cole, a guy she had rejected a few years ago. Blushing furiously, she let go of his arm, muttered an apolagy, and ran off. 

Talk about embarrassing.

Updated: January 20, 2023

Word Count: 832 Words

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