Chapter 18- Keefe's POV

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'Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans'

Keefe was kind of shook. He had never known Gianna had a brother, much less a twin, but here he was, watching her and her newly found twin, Jayden.

"Uhh..." Keefe asked dumbly. "You have a twin?"

Jayden spun to face him, the friendliness on his face replaced with a cold look.

"Yeah. You got a problem with that?" he asked, his voice deep and commanding. Keefe looked at Gianna, who was glaring at him as well.

Putting his hands up in the universal peace sign, Keefe shook his head fiercely. "No- I swear, I didn't mean anything by that. I actually have two friends who are twins named Tam and Linh and-"

Jayden cut him off, chuckling a bit. Wow, he was not expecting that.

"Chill, dude. It's aight." he laughed a bit. Keefe was now very confused.

Keefe knew he shouldn't be believing Jock Stereotypes, but with Jayden's features, and his tall, muscular structure, it made Keefe feel like a midget. And he was not a midget. And with his experience with jocks, most of them were rude people who acted as if they ran the school.

Keefe wasn't like that... At least, he hoped he wasn't like that.

Keefe couldn't tell if Jayden was a jerk, or not.

"You didn't tell me you had a brother." Keefe said, nodding his head towards Gianna. She started fidgeting with her hands, before Jayden nudged her, and she looked up.

"It's none of your business." She turned to her brother. "Are you going to Suncrest?"

Jayden rubbed the back of his neck. "Um. Yeah. I guess. I was kind of kicked out of Montview, so..."

Gianna gasped. "Jayden! What did you do this time?"

Keefe looked back and forth between them, like it was a tennis match.

"Nothing. Honest, Gia." he said, laughing nervously. They stood in silence for a second, before Keefe realized he hadn't introduced himself.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Keefe. Gianna's...." he couldn't bring himself to say it. Luckily, he didn't have to. Jayden nodded, and glanced over at Gianna.

Keefe ran his hand through his hair, unsure what to do. "I'm gonna head to school. I've had enough tardy slips. Um... do either of you want to come...?"

"Nah, I'm good." Jayden said, gesturing towards a gleaming Ferrari that Keefe hadn't noticed before. "And I'll take Gianna to school. Nice to meet you, Keefe."

Jayden said his name weirdly, before the siblings turned around, and climbed into Jayden's car.

Keefe shook his head, before climbing into his own vehicle, and starting the engine.

He made it to school mere seconds before the bell rang, and he felt slightly guilty that he wasn't there to show Sophie around.

His first class was Health, and he was dreading it. Their health teacher, Mrs Kennedy, a short, innocent, plump woman who had been teaching at Suncrest for more than 10 years, unknowingly made a bunch of a dirty references, that the whole class, being full of dirty teenage minds, spent literally the whole class snickering, laughing, and glancing at each other to see if they understood the reference.

Keefe raced into the classroom, only to be greeted by a face shockingly similar to his.

His father, Lord (yes, he insisted on that title) Cassius Sencen.

"Late, Mr. Sencen." His father clicked his tongue disapprovingly, as he stood beside Mrs. Kennedy.

"What are you doing here?" Keefe asked, glaring at his father. Lord Cassius didn't so much as flinch.

"Is that a way to treat your father? Honestly, I thought I raised you better." Lord Cassius said, looking at his watch.

Keefe felt anger flare in him.

"You didn't raise me. At all. So don't act like you did. You spent my whole childhood paying babysitters and nannies to act like wannabe parent's to me."

"Calm yourself, boy." Lord Cassius said, his face turning red. He was clearly not taking the insult.

Keefe didn't care that the whole class was staring at them, and that Mrs Kennedy was dialing a number on her phone.

"Sit. Down. You and I will discuss this at home."

Keefe rolled his eyes, before trudging over to his new desk, glaring at the floor. He could hear whispers about him all over the classroom.

To make matters worse, this was the one class he didn't have any of his friends in.

He rested his chin on his hand, and glared at his father, as he started writing words on the board.

"I am Lord Sencen, and you will address me as such. If I hear a single peep out of any of you as I am teaching, you will be sent out of the classroom, straight down to the main office, where you will have a punishment waiting for you." Lord Cassius said, strictly.

The whispers immediately stopped, and everyone visibly straightened in their seats.

"I am here today, to teach you about my debut book, and the concepts taught in it. The Heart of the Matter. Has anyone heard of this magnificent book?"

The words registered in Keefe's brain, and an image surfaced, thanks to his photographic memory.

No hands raised, and Lord Cassius's nostrils flared. Keefe raised his hand slowly, knowing that if no one answered, his father would blow up.

Cassius looked around the room, before his cold, unlike Keefe's, ice blue eyes settled on Keefe.

"Son." he nodded, gritting his teeth. If Keefe got this wrong, he was screwed.

"The Heart of the Matter talks about how both the heart and the head have feelings. The feelings in your head tell you the correct choices to make, or the logical ones. The feelings in your heart, however, don't care about logic, and whatever. They feel what they want to feel."

Lord Cassius nodded curtly, and Keefe took this as his cue to continue. He took a deep breath.

"Sometimes, your heart and your head clash. You think you have feelings for someone, when really, you just like the idea of them."

A few people in the class were nodding along to what he was saying, and he felt a blush coat his cheeks as Lord Cassius gave him a look

A good look.

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