Chapter 5- Keefe's POV

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a/n: okay, so no matter what anybody thinks, I really did like Keefe and Fitz's friendship in the earlier books. I didn't want Fitz to be toxic in this book, and I was aiming for a Sofitz relationship, but instead of being romantic, it would be a brother/sister relationship. I think Fitz is a good character, that isn't perfect, obviously, but no one is. Also this chapter includes some cursing- but not much 

enjoy :D

'I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like...'

  Keefe trudged to his next class, trying his best to ignore the glares from his friends. He had wanted so badly to go check on Sophie, but he knew not to cross Gianna. 

However, Keefe had found a loophole. He couldn't talk to Sophie directly, but he could tell her things through his friends. He just needed one of them to stop glaring at him.

His next class was with Fitz, but Keefe was somewhat dreading talking to him. Even though nothing was going on between Sophie and Keefe, currently, Keefe still liked to avoid the subject of Sophie when talking to him. 

Sighing, knowing he had no other option, he walked up to where Fitz was waiting outside of the classroom.

"Dude. Not cool." Fitz scoffed, when he saw Keefe approaching. "Gianna? Seriously. That girl's messed up."

"You don't get it." Keefe shook his head, immediately regretting his words when he saw a flash of anger in his best friend's eyes. 

"What don't I get? You ditch us for that asshole, completely ignore us the whole day, and then Sophie see's you making out with her in the hallways? What the hell happened?"

"She forced me! I didn't want to kiss her!" Keefe protested. Fitz looked unsure for a second. 

"Then why have you been ignoring us the whole day? We've tried to talk to you so many times. Every single time, you ignore us."

"Once again. It's Gianna. She isn't letting me talk to you guys, and when I tried to go after Foster earlier, she threatened me." 

"She threatened you how?" Fitz asked, skeptically. Keefe honestly couldn't blame him. 

"Well, she threatened me by threatening Foster. She said that she would ruin Sophie's life if I talked to her, or anything. By the way, is she okay?" Keefe asked, fearing the answer. Sophie had run away, looking heartbroken. It almost made Keefe believe that she liked him. But that could never happen. A girl like her would- could never end up with a guy like him.

"Damn. Thats so messed up." The teal eyed boy shook his head. "What are you going to do?"

Keefe sighed, thinking the exact same thing. He couldn't do anything. Keefe hated how Gianna had all the power, and he could do nothing to stop her. 

"I'm still trying to figure this out. Don't tell Sophie. Please." Keefe begged. A look of shock flitted across Fitz's face. Keefe almost never called Sophie by her first name. 

"To be honest, I think you should tell her. Just text her or something. Have her come over. We can all meet this weekend. How's Gianna supposed to know what you do outside of school?"

Keefe sighed once again. "Because.... she lives with us."

a/n: ehehhehehehehehhehee


im so evil

but please dont hate me.... keep scrolling

........... keeeeep

..................... scrollinggggg

.............................. just a

............................................... little further xD

JK i'm not that mean- here's the rest of the chapter.

"Since when?" Fitz exclaimed. Keefe glanced at the door, where their classmates had starting going in. 

"I'll tell you later."

"Keefe-" Fitz started, but Keefe had already hurried inside of the classroom, taking a seat in the back corner. 


Keefe hurried to his room, fuming. He threw the door opened, and almost jumped out of his skin when he saw a girl lounging on his bed, flipping through a set of brown, green, and gold notebooks. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Keefe asked, shocked, as he rushed to snatch the notebooks out of her hands. It didn't seem like she had gotten to the gold one yet, which was good. The last thing he needed was Gianna flipping through his drawings and sketches of Sophie. 

"What do you mean? Wait. Your parent's didn't tell you?" Gianna asked, before snickering at the surprise look on his face.

"Tell me what? Get out of my house before I call Ro to personally escort you outside." Keefe yelled down at her. Gianna just smirked, and stood up. She was quite a bit shorter than him. He was personally 6'0, and she was probably around 5'3. 

Keefe heard the door open behnd him, and he spun around, glaring at his dad's lying, manipulative, evil, ugly face.

"Ah. Keefe. I see you've met your new roomate."

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