Chapter 21- Sophie's POV

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Ngl, i kinda hate this chapter-

"thinking to myself.."

Sophie sat on the floor, her knees to her chest. This was the first time all of them had been able to meet outside of school since before Gianna joined, and Sophie was enjoying it, but that may have been because of how close Biana and Tam were sitting.

Linh smirked at her brother, and his usually pale face turned bright red. He however, didn't move away from Biana.

Fitz was looking at Biana and Tam with a mixture of confusion, and.... was that envy?

"The food has arrived" Keefe called out, attempting to balance 4 trays of snacks, while Dex followed him in munching on a bag of doritos.

"Don't you spill any of that." Biana chided. "If you do, mom's going to make you clean it all up."

"I know, I know." Keefe laughed as he set the food on the floor, and sat next to Sophie, slinging his arm around her shoulders. Sophie's heart fluttered, and she mentally scolded herself. She was sure that her face had turned as red as Tam's.

Marella, Tam, Biana, Dex, and Linh all turned and looked at her knowingly.

Was she really that obvious?

"Let's play truth or dare." Biana suggested, earning a plethora of groans from everyone. Even Keefe groaned.

"Fine. But we have to set limits. If you don't want to answer the truth or dare, you can eat something you despise." Fitz told them. "I personally am not a fan of dates- the dried plums, not date dates. I know Sophie hates tomatoes, which is ironic because she is one herself,"

Sophie scowled at him as the room erupted into laughter.

"Biana hates peanuts, Keefe despises strawberries-"

Keefe cut him off. "I don't despise it, I'm freaking allergic to them."

"Really?" Dex asked, leaning forward and stuffing another doritos cool ranch into his mouth. "I did not know that."

Keefe shrugged nonchalantly. "It's not really public knowledge. I mean, who the heck is allergic to strawberries of all things?"

"It's actually a pretty common allergy." Linh told him. "I have a cousin who's brother's friend's cousin's allergic to them."

"Wait, Alex?" Tam asked. Linh looked at him weirdly.

"No... Nova."

Tam shrugged, and the group sat in awkward silence for a few seconds.

"I don't know what Marella, Dex, Linh or Tam dislike." Fitz asked, thinking. "Wait, no. I know what Dex doesn't like, its-"

"You." Dex cut Fitz off, sending the group into another fit of giggles. Sophie bent over, burying her head in her legs as she shook with laughter. She could hear Keefe laughing loudly next to her.

Once they calmed down, Biana continued.

"So, Sophie doesn't like tomatoes, I hate peanuts."

"Dex doesn't like mayo." Sophie added. Biana nodded, and as an afterthought, she reached towards a notebook that was on a table, and started quickly writing things down."

"I don't like canned fruit, and Tam doesn't like olives." Linh said, as Biana quickly wrote that down, glancing at Tam.

"You don't like olives?" she asked him. Tam shook his head furiously.

"They are the worst things to ever exist. They can go die in a hole." he said darkly. Everyone stared at him for a second, concerned, before continuing.

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