Chapter 23- Sophie's POV

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An: dang guys. I'm REALLY bad at staying interested and consistent on stories. Ngl I've lost motivation to write this story, and if I'm being honest, I've kind of left the Kotlc fandom. I've recently been reading books I've found on booktok and booktube, and I've been more focused on that. Plus, school started in august and I started 8th grade. We've had a massive amount of work, and close to 4 or 5 tests a week. Plus my extracurriculars. I don't know what's going to happen to this story, so just fyi I have no plan for what happens next 😢

But thank you SOOSOSOSOSOSO much for all the amazing comments and votes on this story- you guys are seriously the best.


Here it goes (ig) lol

'And you've got a smile...'

Keefe had called them over with "really good news" as he had put it. Keefe glanced both ways, before shutting the door to his room and taking a seat next to her, on the floor. The whole gang was there, and Sophie was literally bouncing with anticipation.

"What is it?" Fitz asked, leaning forward. "I haven't seen you this happy in a while."

Dex yelped. "Oh my god. Did Carter Industries respond?"

Keefe grinned shyly, and damn did he look adorable-

Sophie shook her head, red creeping up her face. "I'm assuming you were accepted?" Sophie asked, grinning wildly.

Keefe shook his head vigourously. "Yup. I start tomorrow."

"Oh my god, that's so great Keefe!" Linh said from where she was sitting.

"One step closer to getting rid of Gianna." Tam said. "Then she'll be gone for good."

Sophie was proud of Keefe. She knew that he thought poorly of himself, but she hoped this was the boost of confidence that he needed to make him see that he was perfect.

"Now that that's outta the way. Let's talk homecoming." Biana squealed. Sophie rolled her eyes, but inside she was smiling. She knew that Tam was planning on asking Biana, Marella and Dex were already going, and Keefe... well, Keefe would probably ask one of his many fangirls. Fitz wasn't going with anyone, last she checked, and no one had asked Sophie, nor was she planning on asking anyone else.

"Apparently at Suncrest, Homecoming is massive. And I mean massive." Marella said, gazing off into the distance. "They have the classic Homecoming football game, then the pep rally, then, obviously homecoming itself and one of the Seniors generally hosts a party-"

"Marella, you're ranting." Linh cut her off, laughing a bit. "Keefe, who are you thinking of going with?"

A sour look crossed his face, and his smile dropped. "Gianna's making me take her."

"Oh." Sophie said, looking down at her hands. She knew it wasn't Keefe's fault, but no matter how foul Gianna was, Sophie couldn't deny that she was gorgeous. She knew Keefe didn't only care about looks, but it did cause a swirling sensation in Sophie's stomach.

Tam cleared his throat, silencing everyone, before turning to where Biana was sitting. Sophie instantly knew what was happening. Tam was about to ask Biana to the dance!

She exchanged eye contact with Linh, who was trying to stifle a laugh as Tam fumbled over his words.

"Uh, so, well I know your supposed to do something grand to ask your crush out for homecoming, but well, I figured I should just tell you instead of doing some stupid dance or whatever-" he paused to take a deep breath, as a slow smile spread over Biana's face. Sophie hugged her knees to her chest, inwardly fangirling. Biana took Tam's hands in her own. "But I was um, wondering if...uh... you would maybe go to HOCO with me?"

"YES!" Biana practically screamed, leaping towards him, and hugging Tam tightly. Tam glanced at her awkwardly, before patting her back.

Keefe obviously couldn't contain his laughter, and let out a sort of snort-laugh.

"BWAHAHHAHAHA TAM YOU ACTUALLY MANAGED TO ASK HER, OH MAN, THAT WAS THE WORST HOCO PROPOSAL I'VE EVER SEEN BWAHAHAHHAHA" Keefe laughed. Tam's face turned bright red before kicking Keefe and muttering something unintelligible.

"How about you try asking your crush? Huh?" Tam asked, raising his eyebrows. His arm was still wrapped around Biana.

Keefe instantly shut up.
Sophie wondered who it was.
Oh who was she kidding.

She knew.

You Belong With Me (Sokeefe)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें