Chapter 3- Sophie's POV

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'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do'

Sophie didn't see Keefe the rest of the day. He didn't join them at lunch, instead opting to sit with Gianna and her friends. Even though she was a new student, she already had a whole squad of girls and boys literally begging to be recognized by her.

"Have any of you guys talked to Keefe today?" Sophie asked her friends, sitting down at a study hall table, hoping at least one of them would have.

"No, sorry." Linh said, shaking her head. "I keep seeing him around Gianna though."

"Yeah. He was supposed to come over today after school, but i'm not sure if he will." Fitz added. "I tried to ask him earlier but he rushed off."

"We should try texting him later." Dex suggested. "Maybe he's just not talking to us because of Gianna."

"But why though." Biana asked.

"It doesn't make sense." Tam spoke. "But we should try texting him, and if he doesn't respond we'll corner him in the hall tomorrow."

"Alright." Marella nodded. "But that girl's giving me bad vibes. I mean, she insulted our parents and stuff. She also tripped Biana in the hallways today. She legit seems worse than Stina."

Everyone nodded, and they sat in silence for a bit. Sophie pulled out her computer to start on her homework, when she decided to get up and use the bathroom.

As she was walking to the bathroom, someone pushed her from the back, and she stumbled, falling to the ground.

Looking up, she saw Stina and Gianna.

"What do you want." Sophie grumbled, getting off of the floor, and standing up.

"Stay away from Keefe." Gianna threatened. Sophie furrowed her eyebrows, getting angry. Who was this girl to tell Sophie to stay away from her friend?

"And what if I don't?" Sophie countered, trying to stand up as tall as she could.

"Don't mess with her." Stina said, shooting her a look of warning.

"I'll get you expelled before you could say Sophie Elizabeth Foster." Gianna promised. "Step one toe out of line, and I swear to you, you'll never step foot in this school again."

Sophie glared at their backs in hatred as they turned away. Who did Gianna think she was?

As Sophie walked back to her table, she tried to keep her expression neutral, but her friends saw right through the facade.

"What happened?" Her best friend asked her, resting his hand on her shoulder. Sophie shook her head.

"Nothing. I just tripped. Nothing out of the ordinary right?" she joked, trying to get them to drop the topic.

Biana looked at her curiously, before Marella changed the subject, relieving her.

They chatted a bit more, before the bell rang, dismissing them to their next class. Hurrying out of the cafeteria, she realized she forgot her History textbook in her locker. Jogging over, her heart lept to her throat as she saw a couple kissing nearby. Sophie looked closer, and gasped in horror when she saw that it was Gianna, with a blonde boy with tousled blonde hair and ice blue eyes.


a/n: AAAAH PLS DON't KILL KEEFE (Wait till the next chapter and u'll find out why)

and don't kill me either ehehehhe

this chapter was a little bit shorter than the others, but i promise it'll go back to its original length soon!

Butttt i wanna know my readers better! So here are some questions for you! (you can ask questions abt me in the comments)

1. Who's your favorite character (book, movie, tv show, etc...)

My favorite character has to be Nova from the book series Renegades by Marissa Meyer... but Biana and Keefe are close second!

2. If you could have one KOTLC ability what would it be

Mine would be a conjurer, or a vanisher :) just imagine.... you forget your homework or something, and you can just conjure it up!

3. Ur favorite book/book series

hmmmm this one's kinda tough. I LOVE KotLC, but I also really liked the Lunar Chronicles, Divergent, Renegades, and the Legend Trilogy. My favorite novel would probably have to be Heartless, or Wonder.

4. Hobby

Volleyball and making short films xD

5. What you wanna be when u grow up

a film director, or some job in the movie buisness ;)

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