Chapter 14- Keefe's POV

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'been here all along,' 

Keefe was disgusted of Gianna. 

Absolutely disgusted by what she did. Sophie had woken up a few minutes ago, and she told Keefe and the rest of their friends that Gianna had left her in that room. 

Biana was fuming. 

"I cannot believe her. Omg Sophie, we have to go to the police. This is murder. Ugh i'm going to kill her!?" Biana ranted, and Tam, once again, tried to calm her down. 

Everyone was furious. 

"Its not a crime." Sophie shook her head, wincing a little bit. "What she did was perfectly legal."

Keefe sighed, cracking his knuckles.

"I'm sorry, Foster. This would've never happened if I just-"

Sophie cut him off.

"Its not your fault. Besides, i'm getting discarged tomorrow." she said, looking at him sincerely. Keefe gazed into her golden flecked eyes a little longer than he should have, but Sophie broke eye contact first. 

"But seriously, this has gone too far." Fitz shook his head. "We need to tell someone. My dad can fix this." 

"I'm sorry, Fitz, but I don't think Alden can help with this. Gianna hasn't done anything necessarily 'wrong'." Dex said, fiddling with something in his hands. "We can't prove that she hurt Sophie on purpose during Volleyball, neither what happened here."

"So we're stuck." Marella confirmed, glancing around at everyone. They were all crowded around Sophie's hospital bed, with Biana sitting on the edge, next to Sophie.

"No. We need to find a way to get Gianna where it hurts. Keefe, do you know anything about her parents company?" Tam asked. 

"Not much, Tammy Boy." Keefe said, trying to keep his tone light. "My dad keeps saying that i'm old enough to start interning somewhere, and i'm pretty sure he's hinting at the Carter's Company."

"But her parent's are pretty shady." he added, after a second thought. 

Keefe had always found it wierd that Gianna was staying at his house, and it couldn't have been just because she wanted to keep an eye on him. He'd never actually met Gianna's parents in person, even when they were younger. Mr and Mrs Carter were definately shady. 

"We need to snoop." Linh decided, her voice soft, but firm. "Keefe, are you allowed inside Carter Industries?"

"Not right now, but my dad wants me to intern there. I can try and use that. But none of you would be able to." 

"My- our parent's are pretty well known. Maybe I can help you-" Fitz started, but Sophie shook her head fiercly. 

"No. That's too suspicious. And guys, even if this does work, and if we do find some dirt on Gianna's parents, it could possibly be dangerous. We've seen what Gianna's capable of. I ended up in the hospital twice because of her. I'm honestly kind of terrified what her parents can do."

"Yeah." Biana agreed. "We can't let Gianna know what we're doing. I got confirmation from our dad a while ago. While they're rebuilding FoxFire, 9th and 10th grade are going to some school named Goode High School (heh heh) and 11th and 12th are going to Suncrest Highschool. So, the good thing is that we're all together. Bad thing is, Gianna's with us." 

"At least we can keep an eye on her." Dex suggested. "But how's Keefe supposed to explain his internship?"

"Just tell Gianna that your dad forced you too. Act annoyed." Marella instructed. "Your a decent actor.... I guess."

"Why, i'm a marvelous actor," Keefe said in a 'Effie Trinket Voice'

Everyone started laughing. A few chuckles here and there at first, but soon, all of the teens were on the floor (or the hospital bed) dying of laughter, some with tears running down their face. Keefe was among those few. 

They weren't sure how long they spent laughing, but by the time they started to stop, Keefe's stomach hurt. 

A nurse poked her head in the room, a broad smile on her face. 

"You know, working at a hospital, I don't often hear this much laughter. Or laughter at all." she said, smiling. "All your laughter made a few patients in the wards close to you crack a smile. One of the patients hasn't smiled at all in the whole 2 months they've been here. Thank you."

"A good laugh heals a lot of hurt." Sophie quoted, smiling. "Madeleine L'Engle"

kind of a shortie chapter, and mostly a filler.

but i needed this chapter and chapter 13 for the plot.

so lol :)

have a good day!

- riana

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