Chapter 15- Sophie's POV

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'so why can't you see?'

It had almost been 3 weeks, and Sophie was getting discharged from the hospital that day. Enrollment had been finalized at Suncrest High School, where she and her friends would be going. 

The school decided to give them a one month break, as they focused on rebuilding FoxFire, and letting injured students recover.

No one had sued the school, but they found the cause of the fire. It was a cigerette. Found in the abandoned corner of the school, where tons of wildflowers grew. The cigar had caused the dry grass to catch fire, and it spread to the school rapidly.

Edaline and Grady had been at the hospital constantly, smothering Sophie with food, books, homework (ew), and hugs. 

Her friends stopped by to check up on her whenever they could, but Keefe visited every day. It made her heart warm.

Currently, Sophie was sitting alone in her hospital room, all of the things she had accumulated during her hospital stay, packed up in a duffel bag in the corner.

She couldn't sleep, so she pulled out her phone, and opened up her chat with Keefe. Even though it was 1 am in the morning, Sophie was pretty sure he was awake. 

Lord Hunkyhair

Sophie: Keeeeeeeeeefe? Are you awaaaaaaaaaaaake?

Sophie: bro, I saw you read my message

Sophie: are you ghosting me?

Sophie: Keefe, you okay?

Sophie: Keefe??!

Sophie was starting to get worried. Keefe never left her on read. Or anyone for that matter. 

Panicking a little, Sophie texted him again. 

Sophie: Keefe?? I'm getting worried. Please respond.

She waited for 5 minutes, staring at the little word that said read, 1:27 am next to her text. 

Sophie switched chats to her chat with Biana, and texted her frantically.

Glitter Queen

Sophie: Bi, ik this is really late, but i'm kinda freaking out about Keefe. He isn't answering my texts, and it says that he read them. He never leaves us on read.

Biana: no worries, I wasn't asleep anyways. but are you sure? maybe he's just painting, and doesn't want to get his phone dirty.

Sophie: u sure....?

Biana: i can't be sure. but don't get freaked out over this. he's probably just painting or doing something that involves getting his hand's dirty. 

Sophie: ok ig. thanks. gn.

Biana: gn sophie

Sophie set her phone down on the side table, laying back on her bed and crossing her arms over her stomach. Her wrist was still in a cast, but luckily, it was a clean break. 

Time passed by as Sophie made fantasies about herself and a certain someone. She was just starting to doze of, when she got a text. Groaning a little at being woken up, she reached over, and grabbed the phone, almost falling off the narrow bed.

Her eyes widened when she saw it was a text from Keefe. She quickly opened the chat, and her eyes scanned down. 

Lord Hunkyhair

Keefe: I'm Sorry.

It was a plain and simple message, and yet Sophie knew Keefe hadn't sent it. She knew his texting style by heart, and it did not include correct grammer or punctuation, and had like a thousand emojies. In fact, if Keefe were to send this text, it probably would've looked like: im sry 😭😭😭

So then, who was this? 

The only person Sophie could come up with was Keefe's parent's. But they didn't know Keefe password. And what would they be apologizing for? If anything, they should be apologizing to Keefe, for all the crap they put him through. 

That left only one person. A girl that had a massive beef with Sophie. 

She couldn't believe Gianna was apologizing. Was she apologizing for how she treated her during school, or for what happened during the fire? And what made her suddenly remorseful?

As the thoughts swirled around Sophie's head, the lights in the room flickered once, twice, thrice, then went dark.

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