Chapter 19- Sophie's POV

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'I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be'

Sophie sighed, and tossed her- what felt like- 100 pound backpack on to her bed. The school day had gone by pretty quick, but now Sophie had a butload of homework from teachers she didn't even know.

Plus, she had just learned that Gianna Carter, had a twin brother named Jayden. 

She collapsed on her bed next to her backpack, and closed her eyes for what felt like 2 seconds. 

The next thing she knew, she was jolted awake by her phone ringing and buzzing in her pocket. 

She groaned, and glanced at the time, almost falling out of her bed when she saw it was 6:33. She had been sleeping for 2 1/2 hours. 

Sophie pulled her phone out of her pocket, and swiped the screen, accepting the facetime call. 

Keefe's face appeared, looking disheveled and tear stricken. 

"Ohmygod Keefe, what happened?" Sophie asked him worriedly. His hair was messed up, eyes red, and worst of all, his ice blue eyes were cloudy and dim. 

"I-" he choked on his words "Can you come over? Please?"

Sophie wondered what could've happened. He had seemed just fine at school. 

"Of course. I'll be there soon. Hang in there Keefe." she comforted him, already rushing to to her closet to find shoes. 

"T-thanks, Foster."

"What happened?" Sophie asked, hopping around on one foot as she tried to tie her converse laces, while holding the phone up. Keefe looked down at his feet, his phone dipping a little bit. 

"I'll tell you when you get here."

Sophie nodded, and stayed on the call as she rushed downstairs. She really didn't want to ask her parent's to drop her, but she had to.

"Edaline? Grady?" she called, checking the kitchen and living room. Her adoptive mother appeared in the doorway, glancing at Sophie's shoes, and the phone in her hand.

"What's up?" Edaline asked, looking confused at Sophie's frantic tone. Sophie was secretly greatful that Edaline had responded to her calls instead of Grady. She loved her father, but sometimes he got a little too overprotective. 

"Keefe- I- Can you drop me off at Keefe's house?"

"Did you finish your homework?" Edaline asked. "Because you know you aren't allowed out on a school night without finishing your home-"

"No, I haven't finished my homework, but its an emergency." Sophie turned her phone screen towards Edaline, so she could see Keefe's disheveled state for herself. Edaline's eyes immediately dulled, and she nodded without a word, grabbing her car keys. 

They both hurried to the car, and began driving to Keefe's house, neither of them saying a word. Sophie had disconnected the call, and was now bouncing her foot up and down in anticipation. 

The second they pulled up in front of Keefe's mansion, Sophie practically leapt out of the car, yelling a quick thanks to Edaline, as she hurried to the door. She didn't even knock or ring the doorbell, before it opened. 

"Keefe" she breathed, instantly enfulging him in a hug. Keefe didn't show weakness often, but when he did, she knew it was bad. 

This was the worst she had seen Keefe in a long time. Maybe even ever. 

They stood that way for a few seconds. Keefe smelled like a mixture of hair gel, and lime. (idk bro, this is what I imagine him to smell like- NOT THAT I IMAGINE IT)

He finally pulled away, and Sophie held his face in her hands. 

"Keefe, what happened?" she whispered. Keefe shook his head, before pushing the now-closed-door open behind him.


She followed him up the many flights of stairs, and by the time they reached the top, she was- not gonna lie- kind of panting. 

"What happened?" Sophie asked as soon as they entered his bedroom. Keefe sunk on to his bed, and put his face in his hands.

"Foster- Gianna's parents-"

Sophie felt dread pool her stomach. Anything to do with Gianna's parents was not good. 

"Apparently Gianna told them about how I was, quote unquote "treating her" and they told my parent's if they hear another complaint, they'll leak their secret. And Sophie- my parent's companies secret is bad. Like really really bad. Foster- I- we could lose everything."

Sophie was speechless. This had escalated too far. 

"Keefe, maybe if you told me what the secret is, I could help."

Keefe shook his head furiously. "I can't. If my parents, or anyone were to find out, i'd be completely screwed."

Sophie didn't want to push it, but she was extremely curious at this point. 

"I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be. My parent's aren't the greatest. Maybe this is karma?"

Sophie shook her head.

"I can help." She tried one last time. "And if its really that bad that it would ruin everything, the only way to end this is to find something on Gianna's parents."

"How would we do that?" Keefe looked up at her with hopeful eyes. Sophie thought for a second. 

"Get the internship at Carter Industries. Become friends with Jayden. Stay close with Gianna. Even we'll try to tolerate her."

Keefe nodded, a small smirk growing on his face. "You know the saying. Keep your friend's close, but your enemies closer."

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