Chapter 7- Keefe's POV

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'But she wears short skirts

I wear T-shirts...'

Keefe watched as the volleyball collided with Sophie's head. She stumbled, and her teammates rushed around her. Keefe sprinted under the net, towards Sophie, who had collapsed on the floor.

"Foster!" he called out. She didn't move. Keefe crouched down next to her, and yelled at someone to get Coach Hedge. She was lying on the ground, her skin red where the volleyball hit her. Her forehead was already beginning to swell. 

He lifted her head off the ground so it was resting on his knee instead of the floor. He could feel Gianna's glare from behind him, but he didn't care. 

"MOVE IT!" Coach Hedge barked, pushing through the crowd of students that were surrounding Sophie. 

He sat on his knees next to Keefe, and checked her pulse. 

"Kumar, Jacobs, get the nurse here right now. Sencen, get some cold water and my phone. What are you waiting for? GO!" He yelled. Keefe shot to his feet, and sprinted to the other side of the gym. He grabbed Sophie's waterbottle which he knew for a fact always had cold water in it, and Coach Hedge's phone. He rushed back to the crowd of students. Sophie was still unconcious, and it angered him to see her like that. He was going to kill Gianna later. Keefe knew she had done that on purpose. 

"Coach." he said, handing the items to him, before plopping back down to Sophie. Rahul Kumar and Catherine Jacobs ran back into the gym, with the school nurse hot on her heels. 

"What happened here?" the nurse, who's name was Nurse Livvy, said. She had warm skin, sparkly jewels woven into her dark hair, full lips, and a rounded nose. She seemed pretty young to be a nurse.

"A game of volleyball. Gianna spiked it at her head." Keefe told her, turning around to glare at Gianna. She however, wasn't anywhere to be seen. Sophie was still unconcious.

"Will she be okay?" Coach asked nervously. "Because if she isn't, that would be a lot of paperwork..." 

Nurse Livvy rolled her eyes. "I think she'll be fine. Just some nasty bruising, and a huge bump. Maybe a concussion. I won't know for sure until she wakes up. I'll keep her in my office until she comes around. Hedge, can you call her parents?"

"Uh..." Coach Hedge started. "Sure I guess." 

"Great. You, can you help me bring her to my office? Thanks." she said, pointing to Keefe. She didn't need to ask. He would've gone with her anyways. 

Keefe hefted her into his arms, bridal style, and he rested her head against his chest. 

'She was going to be fine.' He told himself. 

"So.. you two a couple?" the nurse asked him. He almost dropped Sophie. 

"What? No! Of course not!" He said quickly, ignoring that tugging sensation in his gut. Sure he would like to be, but that didn't matter. He couldn't ever date her unless Gianna was out of the picture. And Sophie probably didn't even like her back. 

"You sure? I see the way you look at her. Like she's the most precious thing in the world." Nurse Livvy gushed. Keefe's face flamed red, and he stared down at his feet. 

"She would never like me back. Plus..."

He didn't know why he was telling her this, but Nurse Livvy nodded as if she understood.

"I get it. But do you know for a fact that she doesn't like you?" she questioned. Keefe pondered it. 

"I... I've never asked. But I doubt she does. Why would she even like someone like me?" Keefe said, sadly looking down at her face. She had light freckles that only Keefe noticed. Sophie believed that her brown eyes were boring, but Keefe thought that they were the most beautiful eyes in the world. Full of warmth, and love. Her eyes fluttered for a second, and Keefe's breath caught. Livvy kept talking though. 

"Don't sell yourself short... just by this short conversation, I can tell many girls would kill to have you as their boyfriend. Your looks don't hurt either." 

Keefe blushed beet red. He knew he was handsome, and that half the school probably had a crush on him, but he never ever thought Sophie would. She liked Fitz, and he would be a jerk to date his best friend's ex-girlfriend. 

"Anyways, here we are. I'll let her rest here for a bit and i'll ice down her forehead to try and stop the swelling. Her parent's should be here soon too. You can set her down over there." 

Keefe set Sophie down on the cot, and slowly backed away. 

"Could I just stay here? At least until Grady and Edaline- her parents, get here?" Keefe asked, hoping she would sympathize for him. 

"No can do sir. I'll write you a late notice, but get to class." Livvy smirked. Keefe pouted, sending one last look in Sophie's direction, before trudging into the hall. He could ditch, but Gianna (the devil) was in his next class, and if he ditched, she could tell his dad, who would not be happy. Speaking of Gianna, Keefe saw her near his locker, leaning against it as she scrolled through her phone. He stomped up to her, causing Gianna to look up, startled. 

"Oh hey Keefe. Whats up?" she asked nonchalantly. 

"What's up? Seriously? What was that Gianna? I know you purposely spiked the volleyball at Foster's head." 

"So what? Maybe it knocked some sense into her. Besides, why do you care? I told you specifically that you are not allowed to interact with Sophie Foster" Gianna spit her name out as if it tasted bad. 

"I swear to god Gianna. If you lay one finger on Sophie, I will..." Keefe started, anger lacing into his words. Gianna seemed unfazed.

"What? What will you do Keefe? Run to mommy and daddy? Oh wait, you can't. They don't care. They don't give a shit about you, Keefe." 

"Neither do your parents." Keefe shot back. "Your a horrible, sadistic person Gianna. Leave. Sophie. Alone." 

Suddenly, Gianna's hand flew through the air, hitting him squarely on the side of the face.

"Do not speak to me like that." Gianna seethed. "Once again, I will make your precious Foster's life more of a living hell than it already is. Don't test me Sencen." 

Gianna glared at Keefe one last time, before marching away, her too-short skirt swishing behind her. 

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