Chapter 11- Keefe's POV

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'has been here the whole time...'

Keefe frantically ran around, searching for his friends. After the fire alarm had gone off, the teachers had herded the students towards the exists, and he had immediately began to search for Sophie. She, Biana, Fitz, Dex, Tam, Linh, and Marella were no where to be seen. He hadn't seen Gianna either. Sirens were wailing in the distance, and the area surrounding FoxFire was already littered with Police and Fire Fighters. The ambulances were just beginning to arrive. 

There was a loud shriek behind him, and he spun to face Biana being held back by Tam. At least they were okay.

"SOPHIE'S IN THERE!" she screamed, confirming Keefe's worst suspicions. 

"I know, but we can't go back in there. The Fire Fighter's will find her and get her out." Tam tried to reason with her. "She'll be okay." Fitz was standing behind his sister, staring at the flaming building with his eyes slightly glossy. Dex was screaming something into phone, and Linh was crying on the ground, with Marella trying to console her. He spun back around before any of them could see him. He couldn't go back in the building, the smoke would be too thick. Keefe gritted his teeth, realizing the only thing he could do was wait, and search outside. The thought of never seeing Sophie's golden flecked brown eyes, never calling her Foster again, never feeling the bliss he felt when she hugged, or smiled at him, was too horrible to imagine. She had to be okay. His Foster, had to be okay. He stumbled towards the group of medics and teachers, reaching Ms Oralie, the only teacher he felt comfortable with. 

"H-have you seen Sophie?" he stuttered. Ms Oralie turned to face him, sadness, and fear clouding her azure eyes. She embraced him, but her hug didn't feel nearly as comforting as Sophie's. 

"No. But i'm sure she'll be okay, Keefe. Are you okay though? Should I get a medic?"

"I'm fine. Have you seen Gianna? Gianna Carter?" he asked. Ms Oralie nodded, gesturing towards another clump of students. 

"She appeared out of the building a few minutes ago. Dr Elwin is talking to her right now." she informed him. Keefe nodded, before thanking her quickly, and hurrying towards Gianna. As he neared her, he could see that there was soot covering her from head to toe. Her hair was a mess, and she was sitting numb and stiff. 

"Gianna.... do you know where Sophie is?" Keefe asked, somewhat gently. 

She looked up at him, and Keefe was surprised to see unshed tears pooling in her eyes. She seemed to think for a second, before her mouth moved to form an answer. At the last second, it changed, and she said something else. 


Keefe sighed, but nodded. He walked away, trying to keep his tears at bay. He couldn't lose her.

He wandered the area more, watching as few students and teachers were loaded up into ambulances, and rushed to the hospital.

Loud yelling startled him out of his thoughts, and he looked up in time to see a Fire Fighter rushing towards the ambulances, yelling something. A blonde girl laying in the Fire Fighter's arms. A new burst of adrenaline fueled him as he sprinted towards them, hoping that the girl wasn't Sophie, but was at the same time.

He reached them, the second the blonde girl was placed on a stretcher. Daring to get closer, bile filled his mouth when he recognized the girl on the stretcher. 

Sophie's face was covered in scratches and soot, and her hands were covered in burns. There was black and blue bruises covering her legs, and her clothes were ripped in places that revealed more injuries. 

Before he could say anything, she was quickly loaded up into the ambulance. Biana, Dex, Fitz, Tam, Linh and Marella rushed towards him. 

Keefe raced towards the ambulance. 

"I need to go with her." he begged the medic. The medic looked at him, before asking.

"What's your relation to her?" 

Keefe blurted out the first thing he could think of that would allow him to go with her, and be with her in the hospital room. 

"I'm her brother."

Biana, Dex, Tam, Fitz, Linh, and Marella looked at him wierdly, before understanding dawned on them. 

The medic looked at him skeptically, before sighing and allowing him on to the ambulance.

He rushed inside, and grabbed the unconcious girl's hand as they hooked her up to numerous machines.

"I'm here Foster."

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