Chapter 13- Keefe's POV

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a/n: more a filler chapter, but it's important to the plot (i think)

'who understands you...'

Keefe ran into the hospital room, just as doctors started jabbing a near unconcious Sophie with different needles. She was clutching her head in pain, and her face was filled with pure anguish. 

Keefe raced to her side, unsure what was going on with her. He grabbed her cold hand, and rubbed it between his, trying to force some warmth back into it.

One of the doctors nearest to him injected Sophie with some sort of fluid, and she instantly relaxed. 

"What happened?" Keefe asked tentitively. "What. Happened?"

He looked around, his gaze settling on Grady and Edaline in the corner, looking fearful. 

"She had a migrain. A massive one. According to her medical records, this is the second one to occur. Both seem to happen when she's facing some sort of injury." a doctor, who's badge identified him as Dr Elwin, told them. 

"The last one was when she fell when she was 9." Grady said. "That was almost 7 years ago."

Dr Elwin nodded. "She'll be okay now, but we'll keep her sedated for the next few hours or so." he turned to Keefe. "I can tell your not her brother, but i'll let you stay here. I can see how much she means to you." 

Keefe blushed, not as much as Sophie, but enough that he looked like a tomato. 

"I-I should probably go tell my friend's whats going on." Keefe stuttered, avoiding Grady's murderous gaze. He looked one last time at Sophie, before hurrying out of the hospital room. 

He rushed to the elevator, his face still slightly red, and jammed the button that said 'Lobby'. (do hospitals have lobby's?? idk)

The second he stepped foot into the room where his friends were waiting, they all bombarded him with frantic questions. 

"How's Sophie?

"What happened?"

"Why'd you say you were her brother?"

"Why'd you ditch us for Gianna?"

"What happened to Gianna?"

Keefe put out his hands, in the universal stop sign. 

"She's fine, I think, she had some sort of Migrain. I said I was her brother so I could go in the ambulance with her, and be allowed in the hospital room, I didn't want to ditch you, Gianna forced me, and truth be told, I have no clue what happened to her." Keefe said, in one long breath.

His friends stared at him for a second, before Dex spoke. 

"Hah. I knew you wouldn't leave us on purpose for that witch." he grinned. "Good to have my pranking buddy back!"

The rest of his friends still looked a little skeptical.

"Look, i'm really really sorry okay? Gianna threatened me, and my parents."

Fitz nodded, backing him up. "Yeah. Keefe told me that Gianna threatened Keefe with Sophie, saying that she would ruin her life. Apparently Gianna's parent's have some dirt of Keefe's parents, and could destroy their company, and that's why his parents are forcing him to interact with Gianna."

"Plus, she literally lives in the same house as me. Its horrible." Keefe shook his head. "I'm also 86% sure that Gianna had something to do with why Sophie was still in the building." 

Biana aded "I was running towards the exit with Sophie, when we heard someone scream. Sophie ran back for them."

"The fire fighter's said that she was trapped in a locked classroom." Linh said softly. 

Her twin looked at Keefe. "Do you think Gianna was locked inside, Sophie ran back, and Gianna locked her in instead?" 

"When I asked Gianna if she saw Sophie, she hesitated." Keefe said. "Oh man. What if Gianna really did that to Foster?"

His friends looked at him sadly.

"The only way we would know for sure is to talk to Sophie. When she wakes up of course." Marella concluded. "At least she's okay, though. The worst injuries were Mr Terik's leg, and of course, Sophie."

"FoxFire isn't supposed to resume for a while. The fire took out the whole 4th, 3rd, and nearly all of the 2nd floor. The rest of FoxFire still has some fire damage." Dex said.

"They're thinking of sending each grade to another school in the area. I'm not completely sure though. Dad told me. He and mom were here a little while ago." Biana said, twirling her brown hair around her fingers. 

"Do they know what caused the fire?" Keefe asked. He had been with Sophie the whole time, and no one had told him any information about the destruction of their school. 

Marella shook her head. "They're investigating right now. Besides, they probably won't tell us."

Keefe nodded, absorbing all the info he had just gotten. He ran his hand through his messy hair, which was filled with dust and grime. 

He sighed, said goodbye to his friends, and went back up to join Foster. His parent's hadn't bothered to check in with him. As usual.

What a great family I have. Ammirite? he thought bitterly.

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