Chapter 7 e

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It was about two hours later when he finally made it back to his caravan and flopped down in a chair and sighed.  With all the fun and excitement of the last day or two Jim was feeling beat and his back was tense as well.  He started kneading his shoulders to try and relieve some of the tension.

Sheeha heard him come in and walked up to him.  "Your ladies are lying down and trying to rest."  Her hands settled on his shoulders and urged him to lean forward.  "Relax Yimmy and I will give you a brief massage.  Tonight I will give you a much better massage."  She leaned forward and lightly nipped an ear.  "No falling asleep though or I will pounce on you."  Her hands were gentle on his shoulders as she worked on his tense muscles.

Jim managed not to sigh.  "I won't since I am not sure what part of me you might pounce on and give a tongue bath."  She laughed and Dan and Nang walked in.

"Jim, Nang and I are going to move into the caravan left to her.  The Chief is going to make sure that it is cleaned out of all his personal items and cleaned before the pyres."  Jim kept his head on his crossed arms that were resting on the table.  Dan smirked.  "From what a little kitty told me you sort of need the love shack for the next week or so."

Nang lightly punched Dan and snorted.  "Be nice Dan or you will be sleeping outside for the week."  She traded amused looks with Sheeha when she said that.

"Dan don't encourage her.  She is already sneaky enough during..."  He tensed up and tried not to laugh and wiggle since she started tickling his ribs.  "Darn cat I am going to get you for that.  Jim whipped around and managed to catch her and pulled her into his lap.  His fingers found her ticklish spots and with an evil laugh he started tickling.  "Now who's wiggling and squirming?"

He stopped tickling Sheeha and as she was catching her breath his arms wrapped around her head and trapped one ear near his mouth.  In revenge he started licking and nibbling on it and she started wiggling again.

"Ack, Yimmy it is my job to attack you not you me you darn human."  Even as she was growling at him she started to relax and snuggled close.  She really wanted to drag him to the tent but that would have to wait.  "If you will let me go I will go and get some lunch for you."  Sheeha needed time away to cool down or she wasn't going to be able to hold back.

Jim laughed at the expression on Dan and Nang's face.  He was grinning as he let Sheeha up and just for good measure gave her tail a light tug.  "Thank you for the massage and for offering to get us some food."  She hissed at him when he tugged her tail just for good measure.  Once she had left he did sigh.  "Thank god they only come into heat twice a year or I would probably be dead by now."

Nang shook her head and had an amused expression on her face.  "Are you trying to say having all the sex you want is not what you want?  What a strange idea coming from a male."  She had a brief talk with Sorrel but it was just long enough to give her a general overview.

Jim snorted.  "Not when they are in heat.  It is more a case of managing to hide from them to get a few minutes to recover."  There was a jug of juice on the table and he poured a cup and took a drink.  "Oh, I wanted to let you know your girls can stay here for as long as needed.  I know the caravan and it isn't designed for more than one or two people.  Eventually you can expand the tent to give them some room of their own.  Till then they can stay here and since there are children of all ages they should remain occupied and start making friends."

Nang nodded.  "That was pretty much what I figured and was going to talk to you later.  I think it will be good for them since it will help them become integrated."  As she was speaking Sheeha came back with some food.  "Smells interesting and thank you Sheeha.  Maybe later you can show me a bit more around the tribe before the ceremony this evening."

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