Chapter 13

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The next morning once they woke and walked into the main tent Jim froze and looked around.  All three women were there as well as Moran and Thomas.  "Um hello?  I wasn't really expecting to see you this early."

Moran stared at him and then started laughing.  He was laughing so hard that his tail just sort of flopped and twitched.  What was even worse was he was crying hard enough he couldn't speak.  All he could do was wave a hand at him.

Thomas was snickering as well.  "Yim let's just say neither of you were quiet last night.  I think they might have heard you halfway across the camp."  He eyeballed Sheeha and then Jim.  "I would love to know what you did but since you don't kiss and tell..."  Just for good measure he winked at Sheeha.

The ladies were looking somewhat non-plussed since they weren't getting any at the moment and wouldn't for a few more days.  Sheeha was normally fairly vocal but last night had been crazy.  Sorrel narrowed her eyes at him.  "I might have a discussion with you later as the senior wife Yim."  Nasha and Nora were covering their muzzles trying not to laugh at them.

Sheeha twitched her tail and ears before giving them a lazy smile.  "I am going to head towards the showers.  Talk to you later Yim."  She ran her tail up his leg as she walked out.

Jim facepalmed as she walked out of the tent.  "Why do I feel like I am facing a firing squad?"  He looked up at the ceiling and sighed before sitting down.  As he was sitting down Dan and Nang walked in.

Dan had heard him and laughed as he walked in.  "Maybe a laughing squad but probably not a firing squad."  He looked at the ones looking at Jim and it did look like some sort of inquiry.  "No, definitely facing a board of inquiry."  He settled down in a chair and shook his head at Jim's expression.

Thomas started grinning at his friend.  "So Yim have you had a chance to reconsider what we were talking about the other day?"  He was going to needle Jim for a while about his reaction to what Thomas had been trying to tell him.  "Anything we need to know about?"

Jim growled at Thomas and then Moran.  "Try not to keel over old man.  If you laugh too hard you might not survive."  He really hated feeling like he was the butt of this sort of joke.  "I think I will let you explain what led to this Thomas.  Considering you were the one who started the conversation that night."  He turned and grabbed his things and stalked out of the tent.

Thomas laughed at Jim till he told him that he could tell the women about that night.  He sat up and glared at Jim as he was leaving.  "Hey, that was cold..."  Jim was gone before he could say anything else.  He grabbed his cup and turned towards the others and froze since he had three rather daunting women looking at him.  "Um, what?"  This was going to be messy.


As Jim was walking away from the tents he encountered the lady Thomas was courting.  An evil thought crossed his mind when he saw her.  "Hey Lydia how are you doing?  Looking for Thomas?  If so he is at my caravan."  He winked at her.  "He is answering some questions for the chief and might need your support."  Oh man Thomas was going to kill him.

Lydia smiled when she saw Jim since Thomas had mumbled something the other night.  She didn't know what was going on but since Thomas was tossed up between amusement and concern she nodded.  "Okay, anything I need to be concerned about Sub-Chieftain?"  She wasn't comfortable using his name even if Thomas was.

Jim shook his head.  "Not really, just a few questions my ladies and the chief had about the last visit to with the Puma tribe."  With a smile he kept going and started whistling since for some reason his mood was much better today.


This time it was Nasha who spoke as she handed Keirie over to Nora and picked up Eelios and let him latch on.  "So Thomas what was this conversation you started?"  She smiled down at the baby who was lustily sucking on one of her breasts.  "I must admit that I am more than curious about it and how Yim seems to think it pertains to the current issue."  Her voice was level but there was a definite edge of hardness to it.

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