Chapter 9 e

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Bear pulled the rain cape on and made sure it was fastened before he left the tent.  "I hope so and see you later Jim."  He stepped out in the rain and shook his head at the downpour.  He had been in heavy rain before but this was crazy.  Briefly he had to wonder why everything hadn't washed away by now.  This made the monsoons in SE Asia look almost like showers.

Once he had his bearings he started heading towards the Shaman's tents and caravans.  One thing he had already noticed was that the most senior master lived in the guilds caravan.  He or she, their mate and children lived in it.  All the others either lived with their families or with their mates and children.  It was an interesting way of doing things and he had to wonder what else he would learn.

The day before had most definitely been eye opening for him.  He was used to dealing with the spirits in his world but they were far more reticent in showing themselves.  From what he had felt entering the Shaman's tent yesterday morning they were very active.  It might also be the simple fact that the ones from this world could feel the ones from his other world on him.  That was a definite possibility since all who came back would have traces of their other world.  In his case he would also carry the impression of the spirits of his world as well.

One secret he had never told anyone was that he didn't have a totem animal.  It allowed him to connect with the totem animal for the various ceremonies and healings.  Yes he had been an MD but he had also grown up in the traditions of his tribe.  It was an interesting mix of knowledge.  Western medicine was based in the physical world.  His medicine was based in the spirit world as well as the physical world.  It had given him an interesting view point during school.  There were a number of instructors who had felt what he had to add was useless.

Eventually he reached the tent of the shaman and had to smile at the scent of burning herbs.  It wasn't sage or the herbs and plants he knew but it had a similar affect.  He started to relax and settle into a contemplative mood.  "Good morning Elder and thank you for inviting me back." 

"Elder my ass Bear.  You have as much knowledge of your world as I do of mine."  The old elf waved him to a chair.  Unlike many of the others he enjoyed a pint or two of beer during the day.  He poured a foamy mug for Bear and pushed it over.  "I would say what brings you back but that is a silly question."  He definitely wasn't an easy going Shaman and had a feisty in your face attitude.

Bear grinned.  "Yes O mighty elder.  I will sit and relax and talk with you.  Give my old bones time to relax and let the youngin's do the heavy work."  He took the mug and took a drink from it.  Warm beer was odd but in this place he understood.  "So how are you doing this fine day?"  He glowered at the rain when he asked that.

Margolis snorted.  "Your expression seems to disagree with your question.  It is nice to be able to sit and relax even if I have to clean the mud off my feet and legs many times during the day."  He took a long slow drink from his mug and rolled his eyes as several younger kids went screaming past.  "I have a feeling someone is going to get their ears chewed off."

Bear had to smile at that.  "Either that or just stand them in the rain for a few and toss a bucket of soapy water at them."  He shook his head.  "To be young again but obviously that isn't what brings me here.  I am sure you want to discuss both differences and similarities in our rituals.  I can say for a fact that your spirits are far more obvious than ours."

Margolis stroked is long pony tail.  "Eventually we will get to that.  Right now I simply want to get to know you.  What makes you tick, what skills you have, what we might be able to teach you.  That isn't even mentioning what you can teach us."  He waved his arm towards the people moving past and spoke.  "We are in a way an odd tribe.  We are made up of any number of different species and other than humans are in similar numbers."

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