Chapter 10 e

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Jim took a circular route to get to his caravan and by the time he made it there he was far more relaxed.  He still felt Thomas was having fun at his expense but before he really got angry he would talk to Sheeha.  Once in the main tent he hung up the axe and cloak.

Sorrel heard him come in and walked out of the adult's tent and gave him a good hug and kiss.  "Relax and take your time.  We talked about it and everyone likes the idea of getting private time with you and our kids.  I have also scheduled a time for you to eat with the children as well." 

He returned the hug and kiss and relaxed with her in his arms for a few minutes.  "Good idea since I don't want them feeling left out at all."  He nibbled on one ear and rubbed his nose against hers.  "I will talk to you later."  With one last kiss he walked into the adult's tent and found the other three ladies in there.

Sheeha was cuddling one of Nasha's babies and was playing keep the whiskers away from the baby.  Nora was sitting with Tonya and Nasha was feeding their other baby.  He leaned against a pole and enjoyed the site of the women relaxing.  "And this is why I became a member of the tribe.  It wasn't for any reason other than to love the women in my life.  Have some kids and raise them to be good tribe members."

The three looked up at him and smiled.  Jim walked over and gave Nora a good hug and kiss.  After a quick tickle for Tonya and a hug he gave Sheeha a hug and peck as well.  Then he settled down next to Nasha and lightly stroked Keirie's cheek.  "Such lovely babies we made."  He looked up at Nora and raised an eyebrow.

She simply smiled at him and continued cuddling with Tonya.  "Well it is time for us to eat and enjoy your meal.  Do you want us to take the babies while you eat?"  Nora was debating on if she wanted to get pregnant on her next heat or not.  It was something she would need to discuss with Jim later.

Jim shook his head.  "No thank you.  The meals that I talked about are for family time.  I want to spend time with my mates and our children.  I also want to spend an evening or two with my other children as well."  As Sheeha handed him Eelios he gave her a light kiss.  "Be in eventually."

When Jim wrapped an arm around Nasha she leaned into it and rested her head on his shoulder.  She closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the feel and scent of him.  With Keirie at her breast and Eelios in Jim's arms she felt far more relaxed.  "This feels so good Yimmy.  I wanted you back so much and back in our arms."  She rubbed her head against his shoulder.

He tucked her head into his shoulder and sighed in contentment.  "It feels so good to be back in your arms and our babies with us.  I realized just how much all of you mean to me when I got pulled back to my world."  He tensed up as he was talking and had to force himself to relax.  "I loved all of you since before we actually mated.  I have never stopped loving you but facing that I might never see any of you again..."  Jim turned his head so his face was in her hair and he took several deep breaths to calm down.

"I think the babies are asleep and fed and not stinky.  Let's tuck them in and relax over dinner."  He was almost tempted to take her to bed as well but that would have to wait.  They carried the babies over to the crib and tucked them in and he had to smile.  "Love you two little beasties."

They settled down for the meal and it was a quiet affair.  There was some cuddling and trading bits of food as well as talking.  Both made sure that it was just general subjects and not anything important.  Dinner was finally over and he was laying there with Nasha curled up next to him.  "That was very enjoyable and I think I am going to see about ensuring we do it again, maybe once a month or so.  We need time as mates and families as well as all of us together."

She had one arm wrapped around his chest and was listening to what he was saying as well as his heartbeat.  "I like that idea as well and I am sure the ladies will as well."  She licked his neck and ear that was closest to her.  When he leaned into it she had to smile and just for good measure gave him a low rrrr.  "Just so you know what is waiting once Sheeha is done with her heat.  I might just wear you out more than she will."

The traitor and kin slayer - World of Ranicke 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя