Chapter 11 e

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That morning Ana rolled over and yawned as she stretched before realizing she had a companion curled up next to her.  That almost freaked her out till she realized it was one of the little kids.  When she looked she found Tonya had at some point crawled in next to her and was curled up in a little ball with a hand holding her tail and a finger in her mouth.  She had to smile even though it was strange to wake up with a kid next to you.  "Hey silly what are you doing sneaking into my bed."  Her fingers tickled the girl's ears as she spoke.

Tonya yawned and blinked sleepy eyes at her before giggling.  "My ears no tickling."  Her small hands playfully batted at Ana's hands before stretching herself.  "Not sneaking, walked in and curled up."  She wrinkled her nose at Ana as she was talking.

Ana rolled her eyes at the little girl.  "I think I might tickle someone just because."  She noticed Allie sit up and smiled at her and Tonya.  "I don't know about you but I need the tents, a bath, and food.  I am pretty sure I heard a little tummy rumble a moment ago."

Tonya hopped out of bed and scurried a few feet away.  "Can't tickle if not there."  Her little tail was twitching in amusement.  "Get up, bath and food."  She needed the tents as well and would go to them with the girls.

Ana rolled her eyes and started to get out of bed and had to smile as one of the other girls groaned.  "It's raining; do I have to get up?"  That got a laugh from some of the others.

Josilin started laughing at her.  "It is always raining at this time of year so that excuse doesn't hold water.  If you want I can go and get a bucket for you."  That got a pillow tossed at her as the other girl sat up and stretched.  "Some food and a bath does sound good.  Maybe we can chase the boys away by talking girl stuff."  She grinned at Allie when she said that.  They were close in age.

Allie snickered.  "I sort of like that idea.  I am still most definitely not comfortable with bathing while males are around."  She made a face.  "I know that it is normal for you and you are used to it but before now about the only time we bathed as a group was in school after gym class and that was all females."

That got blank looks from the others since what she had said made no sense.  They knew what school was but gym class?  What was that?  "Well for the duration you are stuck with us so there."  She giggled and stood up and grabbed her bucket.  "Let's go."  Ana and Allie stood up and grabbed some buckets as well.

By the time they walked out several of the boys were there as well with their buckets and both Allie and Ana traded looks but didn't say anything.  Both had to admit the various males had been fairly nice about not staring at them.  Usually it was a glance to see who it might be before they turned back to whatever conversation was going on.

Saulo smiled at Ana and held an arm out to her.  "May I offer you a helping arm ma'am?"  He was usually pretty shy but Ana was such a nice person that he wasn't nearly as uncomfortable with her.  At the moment he was in a sort of gangly stage as he grew and he felt like all elbows and knees and hated it. 

Ana blushed and then rolled her eyes.  "I am not a ma'am and you know my name silly.  Mom might be a ma'am and maybe Jim's ladies but me?  I don't think so."  As she was talking she was pulling on the rain cape and was glad it covered her.  Walking around in the loincloth and long shirt was really weird.  Once she had it on she hooked her arm around Saulo's and they left the tent.

Allie didn't even bother waiting for Farion to offer before she took his arm.  "Good morning and what a lovely wet day it is.  Someone was trying to use the rain as an excuse to sleep in longer."  The girls were giggling when she said that.  As she was talking Tonya grabbed her hand and walked with them.

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