Chapter 2 e

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As he was falling asleep the memories of his interview with the masters and elders invaded his mind again.  They were neither good nor bad but a mix of both.  Alon's questions from earlier had rather stirred them up and he was in a way reliving them.  One of his greatest fears, other than being pulled back to his world, had been being denied acceptance to the tribe.

He showed up at the tent as requested and watched as the various masters involved and several elders showed up and walked into the caravan.  Chief Moran greeted each as they arrived and waved them into the caravan.  Moments later several tribes' women carried several trays of drinks and snacks into the caravan and then silently left.  Once everyone was inside he waved Jim in and followed behind.

Jim had been in there before but today it was vastly different.  The bed and other items had been folded up against the wall.  All there was on the floor was some chairs and a table with the food.  He had to smile slightly since he figured he would be standing.  Jim had felt that way till Thomas had come in with a chair for him.

"Sit James we know you have been badly injured and you don't need the added stress."  That was one of the elders which had actually startled him.  "Chief Moran has passed your request on to us and we have contemplated it and have some questions for you.  It might take some time so relax." 

Jim bowed slightly at the elder since he couldn't do much more than that at the moment.  "Thank you elder.  I appreciate it since standing does make my wounds hurt."  He carefully sat down and adjusted his right arm in the sling and then nodded at Moran.  "I am ready to answer any questions you have.  As I told Chief Moran some answers I might not be able to give since they wouldn't make sense to you due to being from a different world."

Moran nodded to the warrior master to start the questioning and he did speak.  "James what all training do you have to help protect the tribe."  All knew what he had done but didn't really know what he had been trained as.

"Master once I finished my education I ended up in the military of my country."  He looked at the others.  "It is somewhat like being a warrior of your tribe only on a larger scale."  Jim turned back to the warrior master.  "I was trained in how to survive off the land, organize people to resist oppressive leaders, how to kill, and that it was better to have a dead enemy than one that might come after me.  I have been trained to be a killer."

That got a gasp and murmur from several in the caravan till Moran waved a hand at them.

"What do you mean by killer James?"  The warrior master asked.

"It is to protect innocents as best possible.  If I kill the people who are causing problems the innocents can hopefully go back to their lives.  That is why I fought the bear and even the bandits that attacked.  It protected the innocents of the tribes.  Chief Piquel called me James the Protector and that is how I see myself.  I am to protect those that can't protect themselves."

The warrior master nodded and then looked at Master Eldon.  "I am satisfied with his answer now it is for you to ask questions."  The warrior master really wanted to keep Jim in the tribe since he had a great deal to teach them.

Eldon smiled.  "So Jim what do you want out of being in the tribe?"  That wasn't a question anyone had really expected and most obviously James.

He looked more than a bit startled.  "What do I want?"  He sighed and placed one hand on the table and contemplated it.  "I just want to be a tribe member.  I don't want to be James the bear slayer, Jim strong arm, or anything else like that.  I want to be a warrior, a singer, court the ladies in my life, and just another member of the tribe.  I have asked Chief Moran if I can pay court to his daughter as well as Nasha and Nora.  I know this is sort of odd but I love all three.  I have also asked to be able to act as loco parentis for the orphans that I have been playing music with."

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