Chapter 5 e

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Over the next week the three Masters worked hard to get the stones ready for use.  The first stone didn't need much work since they were just going to try communicating but the second stone had to be tuned for the best effect and that took time.  Eventually they finished with the stones and started working on how best to use it.  There were going to be elements of both the Shaman's powers and the Mystic's powers were needed to do the final tuning on the stone to call them back.

It had taken two long weeks for them to get the stone carved and the spells, for lack of a better word, designed.  They were finally ready for the first test with the communication stone.  It was placed on the table on top of a velum that had a number of drawings and sketches on it.  The Shaman and Mystic told everyone to get well away just in case something went wrong.  Both held their hands towards the stone and started murmuring quietly.

They were in that position for a while before the stone started glowing and with a puff of smoke broke into a number of pieces and turned a dull gray as the power in it died.  Both males collapsed and were quickly seen to and tucked into warm beds and given some thick broth and some warm restorative drinks.

The chief told them to rest for a couple of days and when the healer said it was okay for them to take the next step then they could.  He wanted them back but he wasn't going to kill someone in the process and both the males were old enough that very few knew their ages or even what their names were.  They simply went by Shaman and Mystic and that had been pretty much since before Moran had been born.  Both were at least a thousand turns old or older.


It was several days later when the second attempt was made.  They had felt Jim's mind but something was keeping them from actually connecting to his mind and at least passing a message through to him.  This time since they were using a much more powerful stone they were not going to be next to it just in case.  The velum would have a trigger sequence and a type of time delay so they could get away and everyone would be kept well away from the caravan just in case the stone did explode. 

The power contained in the stone was sufficient to destroy everything in the near vicinity.  It would be hard on the tent and caravan but they had traces of the signature as well and they didn't want to chance changing something due to that.  They chose to start early morning since they didn't know how long it might take or how big of a power flare there might be.  It was also because most people wouldn't be up as of yet.

The morning arrived and the two carefully laid the velum on the table and positioned the stone.  The Stone Master triggered the stone and quickly left.  The Mystic and Shaman did their bit and were picked up and hurried down to the Chief's tent to wait till something happened.

The stone started gently glowing and pulsing till it settled down to a solid glow and people moved even further from the caravan.  They could feel the power flowing out from it.  Some of the tribe could feel the stone testing them for brief moments.  Once the stone had the signature of the tribe it started following the faint signature it detected to the missing tribes member.

Little did anyone know, even the Shaman, the totem spirits were gathering around the stone and staring at it.  Suddenly there was a flash of light and once it faded there was a group of people standing there.  Three of them were extremely happy and the six were more than shocked.

Both Dan and Jim had their rifles up and Bear had a large knife in one hand.  The others were gathered around Sorrel and Alon and the humans all looked utterly shocked.  Jim took a quick look around and smiled.  He reached over to Dan and gently pushed the barrel down as he lowered his rifle.  "Peace Dan this is my tribe and we need to get to the Chief's caravan. 

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