Chapter 4 e

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Pam stood and waited for the two adults to stand and she led them to the room and waved them in.  "If you need anything I am sure that I can help you."  As she was talking Sorrel started stripping down and Pam couldn't help but eyeball her body.  "I think I can see some other reasons Jim appreciates you."  She snickered and then left the room closing the door behind her.

Jim didn't even really think about it since he had gotten used to them sleeping nude.  It was just the way they were.  "Just going to mention that the casual nudity of the tribe is going to be an issue.  We, well them now, will have issues if you walk around nude.  I am used to it now but they have very little idea of what our tribe is like and the customs of the tribe."

He laid the boy down after Sorrel pulled the covers back.  Jim grabbed another blanket since even he was chilled and it really wasn't that cold.  After Sorrel crawled in he flipped the blanket over them and then crawled in on the other side of Alon.  With the two of them on either side Alon would sense them and should sleep better.  If he awoke during the night he could cuddle up with one of them or if he needed the bathroom Jim could show him how to use the toilet.

He fell asleep shortly after crawling into bed.  Though he was tired he started hearing voiced calling his name and again feeling like they were trying to find him.  He forced the voices away and curled closer to the other two.  By the time they awoke it was evening and he could smell Pam's chili cooking and his stomach rumbled.  Before anything else he used the bathroom and then woke the other two.  "Hey kiddo time to wake up and I will show you how to use the bathroom since it is vastly different than you are used to."

The next morning Alon woke and rolled over on his stomach and stretched much like a cat would.  That got him tickled as Jim leaned over and tickled his ribs which got him hissed at.  Jim simply chuckled.  "I am going to take a shower.  There is only room for two people so once you finish stretching come in and I will help you get clean."  He grabbed his cloths and walked into the bathroom and started the water and once it was warm enough he stepped into the tub and let the water flow down his head and back and took a minute or two to enjoy what the thought of a real shower.

A few moments later Alon climbed in and gave the tub and shower an odd look but the water was really warm and he was feeling cold.  When Jim picked up the shampoo and started working it into his hair Alon started purring.  Jim knew just how to work it in and he loved having his hair washed by Poppe Jim or one of the Mama's.  It was part of his feline makeup.  He didn't know or realize how much Jim had changed before he was old enough to really remember things Jim did.  By then Jim had gotten used to helping bathe any of the little's that they either watched or had adopted.

As he was working on Alon's hair and back the little boy was working the shampoo into his fur on his chest and groin.  He was old enough that he really could bath himself but again the feline aspect showed in the cuddling and sneaking into their bed or some of the others and going to sleep.  Once Alon was clean Jim helped him out of the tub and handed him a towel.  "Get dried off and get dressed.  I know they are cloths from yesterday but till we can get some additional cloths we have to live with it."

Jim started scrubbing his hair down with the shampoo and almost had to shake his head.  His hair had thickened up some and was down below his shoulder blades.  It had been strongly suggested he needed to let his hair grow out since some of the little thank you gifts were for the hair as well as the bracelets and necklaces.  While he was doing that Sorrel climbed in and started working on his back.

"This is a strange shower but I sort of like it though I think I will always prefer the hot springs for bathing and relaxing."  Everything was so strange in his world.  She was having some trouble reconciling what he had told her of this place and what she had seen.  Some of it hadn't matched up or wasn't what she had imagined what it would be like.  "Do you think we will make it back?"  That was one thing that terrified her and it helped her understand how Jim must have felt all those years ago.

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