Chapter 1 E

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Jim was sitting in a chair staring moodily out the front of the tent.  The rain was coming down like nobody's business and that was really annoying for some reason.  He was used to the rain by now but occasionally it was simply too much.  As humid as it was he wasn't about to break out any of his instruments and try to tune them to play.  He could always keep transcribing songs from his world but that just didn't catch his fancy at the moment.  That and there wasn't all that much left for him to transcribe.  Sorrel was doing a bit of sewing and the other three their own things as well. 

Nasha was still babysitting and acting as a wet nurse; Nora he had discovered was a wood carver and was quietly whistling as she worked.  She was working on a matched set of mating mugs for a new couple who had commissioned them.  The younger kids were starting to wake from their naps and the older kids any chores that needed doing.  Sheeha was working on a new practice knife for Alon.

Jim's thoughts wandered back to their arrival at the monsoon location this year and that had been a royal bitch.  The rains had started early and it had taken two miserable days of cleaning out the old trenches that directed the rain away.  They had some new clan's members as well and had to create some new spots for them.  Trying to dig the latrines had been an act in futility since for every shovel of mud cleaned out of the stone lined holes it seemed like two more poured in.  This was the only location where they had actual rock lined holes or it would never have worked.

On top of that though his arm had healed it wasn't and never would be one hundred percent.  Days like this made it ache enough to make him grouchy.  He took another sip of the juice and rubbed his shoulder and sighed.  There were some things he could do but not while he was in this type of mood.  They were barely even mounting patrols.  Any animal stupid enough to go out in this rain would probably drown. 

As he was thinking Alon had woken up and stumbled over to crawl in Jim's lap.  "Afternoon poppe."  The baby was no longer a baby and was almost six years old.  Alon looked out over the rain and finally decided to ask about a question which had been bothering him.  "Poppe can I ask you a question?"  For some reason he had grown up a very proper young man and tended to speak that way.

Jim gathered the boy close and smiled.  "Well you can ask but till I know the question I am not sure I will be able to answer.  Some answers will have to wait till you are older."  Alon was a quiet boy and didn't say a great deal but paid a great deal of attention to what was going on.  When he did ask a question it was sure to be a good one.

"Well Poppe why am I the only Puma here?  Well other than Auntie Sheeha.  I know you have adopted a number of the orphans or at least have them come to you when they have questions or someone to talk to.  You and Mamma Sorrel have Morgan, Mamma Nasha has Eelios and Keirie but what about me?" 

Jim contemplated the question and decided some of the story would be good for the boy to hear.  He had rather been waiting for this day for some time.  "Before I tell you some of the story let's get everyone else who might want to listen around."  He raised his voice slightly.  "If anyone wants to hear a story they had better hurry to the potty and back."  The little's knew that if they didn't take their rain capes and tracked mud and water all over they would get yelled at.  Well the mud was a bit harder since they were furred for the most part.  They would drip water though which annoyed Nasha a great deal.

His question caused a rush.  Jim had to smile as the older kids helped the younger into the rain cloaks and hurried out.  Jim had long since given up on all the various terms used to name the different races children.  They were simply his kids and that was all there was to it.  As he was waiting for them to come back he was stroking Alon's ears and hair while humming quite contentedly.  Since he had been allowed into the tribe his life had settled down and he had very few complaints.  Those first few hectic months had settled down and now he was simply a warrior and journeyman songsmith. 

The traitor and kin slayer - World of Ranicke 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن