I love you.

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I heard Chris yell at Y/n, as I walk into the room Y/n runs out. I start yelling at Chris.


 "WHAT EVERYTHING I SAID WAS TRUE." We continue to scream at each other. That's when he shoves me. So I shove him back and Nick yells for me to stop. That's when I actually stop remembering my girlfriend upstairs.

 " Unlike you, I have a girlfriend to go take care of." And I walk off flipping him off. I go upstairs, Nick follows me. 

"Princess are you okay?" I say as Nick and I walk into the room only to see Y/n on the floor. I run over to her, she is barely breathing. 

"NICK CALL AN AMBULANCE." I scream tears already covering my face.

 I pull her close to my chest. 

"It's going to be okay princess I promise you'll be okay." I'm holding her sobbing. 

The ambulance comes into the room and take her from me. They take her to the hospital and I ride with her making Nick and Chris take an Uber.  We get to the hospital, and they start hooking her up to machines. 

It's been a couple of hours and I have no information I'm not even allowed in the room. Nick showed up about an hour ago. Chris didn't come. even though things weren't the best before I left I thought he would still be there for me. We are still brothers, but I guess not. I'm scared, no doctors are telling me anything. 

Then all of a sudden a doctor comes in "Are you Matt?" 

"Yes! I am why?" I ask standing up. 

"She is asking for you" He chuckles.

 "She refuses to see anyone until you're in there." He chuckles.

 I go into Y/n's room. "Hey love,. Are you alright?" I ask her grabbing her hand.

 "Hey Matty" She smiles. I can tell they have her on some type of medication. 

"I feel fine. Are you okay?" 

"Yeah bug why wouldn't I be okay?" I furrow my eyebrows at her. 

"I heard a thud before I passed out."

 "No my love I'm fine. Now get some rest. I'll be right here when you wake up." I smile before going to find a doctor to tell me what happened. 

"um I'm sorry Dr. Oakley?" I walk over to the doctor that had originally told me about Y/n. 

"Yes?" He responds turning to me. 

"Can you tell me what happened to Y/n YL/n? like why did she pass out?" 

"Well she had passed out from a serverly bad panic attack she was having but as we were running a test and found out she wasn't eating either. Young man you're her boyfriend, do you know why she hasn't eaten in 2 days?" He asks flipping through his clip board. 

"No I had no idea she was doing that." My heart broke. I was on the verge of tears. 

Why hadn't she told me? Was it because she didn't like the way she looked? Or because she had just forgotten about it? Was it something I or Nick had said or done? I don't know, and I can't ask her now. Now she needs to recover. I'll ask her when she is fully healthy. That is when I will figure out why she hasn't been eating. 

(Y/n's POV) 

I wake up in the hospital. there are like fifteen doctors swarmed all around me. I don't know what they're doing I just know I want them out. Now. All the doctors leave but one. Dr. Oakley. I call him over. 

"Hey will get my boyfriend Matt? He is here I know he is. I'm not seeing any other doctors until I see him."

 "Okay I will go get him." Then Matt comes in the room we talk for a minute until he goes to find a doctor to check up on me. I love him. I just hope he doesn't find out the real reason I passed out. 


Y/n came home about a week ago. She is healthy and thriving. She and Chris still ignore each other but Chris and I are cool. We are sitting watching a movie. Nick and Chris went to a party. I order pizza considering it's a chill night. We watch movies, cuddle on the couch, and eat pizza. 

We have done this every Friday night since we have been together. Food arrives as we are about 20 minutes into Moana. 

"Hey princess come eat." I say setting the pizza boxes onto the counter.

 "No I'm okay bubs thank you though." She waves me off and continues watching the movie.

 "No bug come on you need to eat." 

"Matt no I'm fine." She raises her voice at me. 

She is yelling at me.

 "Woah First of all, don't yell at me, I'm just telling you something for your health. Second I know the actual reason you fainted. Why haven't you been eating? Is it something I said? Or Nick said? I love you so fucking much Y/n! Please tell what's wrong princess! please." I say. 

Sadness breaking through my voice in the last please. She starts silently crying

"I'm sorry Matt. It's nothing you or Nick did. It's what I did. I've made myself think that everyone else thinks I'm fat, and I stopped eating because of it. It was never to scare or hurt you. It was because I hate the way I look." She walks over to me and buries her head into my chest. 

I kiss the top of her head. 

"Princess we agreed to not keep anything from each other. Especially not mental issues." I say as she starts crying louder, and I rest my chin on her head crying as well. 

"I won't keep anything from you again Matt I swear." 

"And you promise to eat?"

 "every day." she replies giggling a little into my chest.

 "Deal" I answer. 

"I love you Matt." 

"I love you too Mi amor."

"Mi amor? When did you learn that?" She pulls away from the hug a little bit.

"I saw it on TikTok do you not like it?" 

"No it's cute" 

We hug each other a little tighter. 

"Now let's eat, I'm starving!" She says letting go and getting pizza. 

"I wonder why bug?" I say sarcastically.  Then at the exact same time, in the exact same tone me and Y/n say 3 simple words. 

"I love you." 

I really like this and I think it is super cute. remeber I love you! And No matter what you are going through I have your back! Send me some requests. 

Matt Sturniolo imagines and short stories!Where stories live. Discover now