Matt is sick.

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I feel like shit. My head is pounding, my throat is sore, and I can't stop puking.

 "NIIIICKKKKK" I yell for my brother. 

"What Matt?" He says coming into my room.

 "I'm sick." 

"What's wrong Matt?" He comes over and feels my forehead. I tell him what's wrong. 

"Fuck no I'm not dealing with this today I love you Matt, but I have things to do and places to be. I'll call Y/n" He pulls out his phone and walks out of my room. 

(Nick's POV)

I'm chilling in my room when I hear Matt yell for me. His voice sounds hoarse. Rougher than usual. I hope he isn't sick. Don't get me wrong I love being there for my brother, but he is a big baby when he is sick, and I just can't deal with that today. 

 "What Matt?" 

"I'm sick" dammit. 

"What's wrong Matt?" I go and feel his forehead. He explains to me not only does his throat and head hurt, but he is also puking. 

"fuck no I'm not dealing with this today, I love you Matt, but I have things to do and places to be. I'll call Y/n." I leave his room. 

(On Call) 

NICK: Y/n come get your Boyfriend

Y/n: What why? 

NICK: Because he is sick and he is being a big baby.

Y/n: I'm on my way. I'll be there in about 20 minutes because I'm going to stop and get some meds on the way there.

NICK: Okay please hurry. 

Y/n: I will. 

NICK: Chris and I are leaving when you get here because if we stay too long we will get sick. 

Y/n: Okay.

(Off call) (Y/n's POV) 

I get dressed. I don't get dressed up considering since Matt is sick there will be lots of cuddles. I just simply wear a hoodie and leggings and throw on my air forces. I go to the store, and although I don't know what's completely wrong with him, I grab the basic things he might need. Vitamin C, Ibuprofen, Tylenol ECT.  

When I get there Nick answers the door.'

 "Oh, thank GOD you're here!" He hugs me. 

"MATT Y/N'S HERE! he is up in his room." 

"Okay thank you!" I say as he is walking out the door.  I go upstairs to Matt's room.

 "Hey Bubs How are you feeling?" I ask him walking over to sit on his bed and feel his forehead. He is burning up.

 "Hi princess. I don't feel good" He says partially asleep. 

"Okay well have you ate?"

 "No and I'm not hungry if I eat I will puke. I just want cuddles." He says pulling me to lay down and putting his head in my chest.

 " Okay baby, but you have to at least try to eat." I wrap my arms around him. 

"Later" he states holding me tighter. 

"later" I repeat.  

Matt is now asleep, so I decide to go downstairs and make Matt's favorite soup. I go to make the soup and realize they don't have all the stuff. I run to the store but not before writing a note to Matt about where I went.  

(Matt's POV) 

I wake up and she is gone. I get scared, I assume she is just downstairs. "My love?" I ask walking downstairs. 

No answer. 

She's left me. I walk over to the kitchen table. There is a note. 

The Note 

Hey Matt I left to go get stuff to make chicken soup. If you need anything just call me. I'm right down the road. I love you and I should be back soon. 

End of note

I know she left to do something nice for me, but I don't know if it's because I'm sick or what, but I am upset. she didn't even try to wake me up.

(Y/n's POV) 

I come home and see Matt has read my note I know that because it was moved and no longer on the counter. I walk upstairs to check on Matt before making the soup.

 "Hey Bug are you doing alright?"

 No answer.

 "Bubs are you alright?" 

Again no answer. 

"Matt?" I push up his hair to see his face. 

"Matt?" I then realize he is ignoring because he rolls his eyes at me when I say his name. 

"Matt why are you ignoring me." I ask letting his hair flop back down into his eyes. 

"Fine two can play at this game." I go downstairs and start on the soup.  

The soup is done and Matt still hasn't come down, so I bring a bowl of soup up to him.

 "Matt food is done." I gently shake him awake.

 He sits up and grabs the bowl from me.

 "Still not talking to me, huh? Why?" I ask eating my soup. 

"Because you left me." He states. 


"You left me to go get stuff for soup. You didn't even try to wake me up!" He says taking bites of his soup in between words. 

"Well I'm sorry I'm a good girlfriend. I thought you would want your favorite soup since you're sick." I say trying to be understanding because he wouldn't act like this if he wasn't sick as I get up to go downstairs. 

"No I do I love the soup baby thank you" He says following me. 

"And my love thank you for making it that was rude, I know how much you're risking being here and trying to help me feel better I love you so much." He states apologizing. 

"Your welcome bubs." I say hugging him. He hugs me back. 

"Can we go snuggle now that I ate something?" Matt asks.

 "Yeah we can." 

We go upstairs and snuggle but after about 5 minutes Matt gets up and runs to the bathroom puking all the soup he ate back up. 

"I'm sorry princess the soup was great I just can't keep anything down." Matt apologizes for like the 15th time that day. 

"Matt babe you have got to stop apologizing for you being sick." I say to him as he comes over and buries his head into my chest. 

"I love you Matt"

 "I love you to bug." 

We spend the rest of the night snuggling. When we wake up Matt is feeling great. I on the other hand, I'm puking my guts out. I am now sick. 

Okay I really enjoy this one as I think it is really wholesome, and I'm going to make another part of Matt helping you when you're sick like you hap done for him. You are a little more stubborn than he is though, so it's a rollercoaster for both him and you. I LOVE YOU AND YOU ARE WANTED HERE!!!

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