Fuck them. part3

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I wake up to feeling lights kisses all around my face. No not any kisses. Matt's kisses. 

"My love, you have to get up. We have to go to school." He says as he walks over turning the light on. 

His side of the bed is cold now. No warm arms around me. 

"Ugh why?" I roll over and rub my eyes. 

"Um we have school?" He says looking at me with an "are you serious" look. 

"I don't even have clothes here-" 


"You get a hoodie out of my closet and the bottom has a bunch of your clothes you have left here. I think your one ripped light washed jeans are in there. Get dressed while I go deal with loud mouth." With that he walks downstairs.

So I do what he says and he in fact was right. I grab his purple soft hoodie and I grab the jeans. I get dressed and go downstairs to find Chris sitting in the kitchen on his phone already drinking a Pepsi. 

"Good morning" He says looking up from his phone. 

"Good morning"  I reply.

I turn around and get fruit out of the fridge and start making me and nick an acia bowl. Matt and nick come downstairs. I feel two arms wrap and my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. 

"Nick what fruit do you want me to top your bowl with?" I ask trying to ignore the light kisses on my neck. 

"Umm strawberries and pineapple please and thank you for making me one you didn't have to" He replies. 

"your good"  I say then I whisper "Matt stop" Why am I telling him to stop? Because I pretty sure if he keeps kissing that same spot on my neck I'm going to have a hickey. 

"Mhh no" He takes a brief break and then goes right back to kissing the same spot. 

"Yes." He lets go, and I whip around and hand nick his bowl. 

"For?" Nick asks. 

"What? What's wrong with it?"  

"you... Never mind" 

I turn around to see Matt shaking his head at Nick. I think nothing of it however because Chris comes in and says we have to go. 

"Y/n is sitting in the front today Chris" Matt states as we head out to the car. 

" Okay..." I say. 

We get to school and Nick and Chris get out leaving just Matt and me in the car. 

"Hey I have a question" I say. 


"Why were you being clingy this morning?" 

"Oh baby... I'm being clingy all day. I almost lost you yesterday. I can't risk that again now can we?" 

"I guess not" I giggle. 

We get out of the car and as always there is a line of girls around the outside of the school heart eyeing Matt. That is until Matt walks over to me and puts his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him and kisses my cheek.

We get into the school and almost every one turns and looks at us. I feel my face go red as me and Matt head to our first class. We sit next to each other in every single class we share. 

The real fun begins at lunch. Matt and I sit at the same lunch table, and I'm practically on his lap. No I am on his lap and once again his hands are around my waist with his head in between my jaw and my shoulder. 

Matt Sturniolo imagines and short stories!Where stories live. Discover now