I'm Here For You.

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For context, you and Matt have been dating for about 2 years. Nick is your best friend and Chris and you are friends.

(Matt's POV)
My brothers and I decided to go to get food at our favorite restaurant. We get there, and we order, eat our food and everything is going smooth.

Until we leave. As we are walking out the door a bunch of photographers and teenagers run up to us. They all start speaking over each other.



 " OMG are you the Sturniolo triplets?" They are crowding all around us. 

I keep seeing cameras flash it's freaking me out. I look at Nick and he looks back. As we are trying to walk away they follow us.

 " WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU BUT WE REALLY HAVE TO GO!" Nick tells over top of them, and we walk away they finally stop following us.

We get to the car and I'm shaking. I'm on the verge of tears. Nick and Chris try and talk to me but right now I don't want to talk I'm thinking to much. I drive us home and go straight to my room. I really anxious right now and I started crying.

 It was now the next morning and I still didn't feel like leaving my room or talking to anyone.

(Nick's POV)
I could tell the whole thing that happened at the restaurant messed with Matt.

 Really bad. 

I don't know what to do he won't talk to me or Chris.

 "Chris what do we do? He isn't talking to anyone. He is worrying Me." I say sitting on the kitchen island across from Chris. 

"No he just won't talk to us. We both know he will talk to her."

 DUH! Y/n! I'm actually surprised he hasn't called her yet. I mean they are dating.

 "Right! That's worrying to! He hasn't called her yet! I'm going to call her and explain." I say grabbing my phone and calling y/n and explain what's happening.

 " Shit okay I'm on my way!" She says through the phone.

(Y/n's POV)
I tried texting Matt to see how his dinner plans went but no answer.

 So I figured he had a long day and went to bed early, so I texted him goodnight. 

No answer.

 I texted him good morning. 

No answer.

 I got annoyed and mad that he was ignoring me and texted him a whole paragraph about how he was being a bad boyfriend.

 I knew his phone hadn't died because he always has his phone for work.

I was watching a movie and crying then I got a call from Nick. Matt was freaking out. I felt awful, so now I'm on my way there. I walk through the door and Nick hugs me. 

"He still hasn't left his room." Nick points to the stairs. 

" okay I'll go try, but he hasn't responded to me on text either." I walk upstairs and knock on Matt's door.

"Baby can I come in?" 

No answer. 

I walk in he is laying on his bed with his head in a pillow.

 "Oh my love. Are you alright?" I ask sitting on his bed. 

"Why are you here?" He asks looking up at me.

 What? Why doesn't he want me here? 

" because Nick was worried and wanted to see if you would talk to me.

" I push his hair out of his face.

 "I'm fine you can leave." He looks at me then the door.

 "Matt babe please talk to me. I know you're not fine." Silence. "Please." I'm about to cry.

He sits up and looks at me. "You weren't there. You don't know how close they got to me. How they were reaching out they if to grab me. It was scary. It scared me. I was terrified. I don't want to talk after that I felt it would be better to handle it on my own. I'm sorry"

 "bug I might not have been there, but I will always be there for you. I love you! So much"

 " I know you do, but I didn't want to talk."

 "Okay I would've talked and made you laugh, or I could have simply just held you until you were ready to talk! But you know you should never handle something like that on your own love. I'm always here for you and I will always be here when you need Me." I hug him, and he puts his head in my chest as I lay my head on his. 

"I know princess I love you"

 "I love you" I respond.

" do you think you're ready to talk to Nick and Chris?" 


 "okay" I giggle.

 " I think today is just a cuddle movie day"

 " okay bug that's fine choose a movie I will be right back" 

"okay princess" we pull away from the hug and I go downstairs as Matt lays back on his bed.

"Hey just let you guys know Matt is okay we talked, and it just scared him. But he is okay. He is not ready to talk to you guys yet." 

"Okay thank you!" Nick says as I walk upstairs and cuddle with Matt.

"What did you tell them?" He asks.

 "Nothing just that you were alright and not ready to talk to them yet." I smile at him.

 "Thank you" he smiles at me as I lay my head on his chest, and he plays a movie.

 We stayed like that for at least 3 hours watching 2 movies until I left to go get food. Matt didn't come with because he was still a little shaken up. Then after we ate it was right back to cuddling. One of the best days I ever have had. I ended up staying that night at Matt's house.

Okay so I really like this one I think it is cute but still a little angst! I am so happy you're here and got to read this I hope you have the best day!!! Bye! Mwah!

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