Chapter 1: Stepping into the Sunken Glades

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Ori slowly woke up, confused on why and how was he alive "How am I alive?" he questioned hoping to get an answer. A few minutes pass as only silence answered Ori's question "I might find out later." he said and began to run into the Sunken Glades.

A little while later Ori's path was blocked by a wall of purple thorny blobs "Well, can't go this way." Ori said as he turned around to find another path. Ori soon found a path downward so; he followed the path just to come to a ledge "Oh boy... do I really need to go down there?" he questioned himself. Before long though, Ori heard a snap "What was thaaaAAAAA!!" he Began to yell as he began to fall soon landing on the ground below with a *thud* "Ow that hurt" he said as he tried to get up only for a sharp pain coming from his left paw "OW, OW, OW!!" Ori yelled as he saw that his paw was impaled by a purple thorn. He began to pull his paw off while grunting from the incredible amount of pain he was getting before he managed to get his paw free.

Ori soon came to a purple lake "It might be best if I don't touch it." he said as he saw some logs in the water "Well, it's the only way across." Ori said as he then jumped from log to log only to make it to the other side.

Once on the other side, Ori came across a green pod-like plant "What's this?" he thought as his head tilted to the side. Ori decided to open it, revealing a green orb inside the pod. He soon picked up the orb which soon was pulled into his body, alarming Ori but he soon felt the pain in his left paw vanish "Huh. My paw doesn't hurt anymore?" he said, confused. Ori soon looked at his paw to see that it was healed completely "Wow... it's like I never hurt it." he said with astonishment.

He continued soon after coming up to a blue orb of energy this was an energy cell "What would I get if I touch this?" Ori said out loud, Ori reached a paw out and touched it, it was absorbed into his body, making him feel a little bit stronger but he shrugged the feeling off and continued walking. He soon came to a dead end "All that walking just for a dead end?!" Ori half yelled before the moving of rocks could be heard making Ori turn around. Ori saw a creature with a hardened shell. Before Ori could think, the creature charged at him making Ori move out of the way and the shelled creature hit the wall revealing a path behind the wall. The creature was soon crushed by rocks, killing it instantly.

Ori watched this with his eyes wide with terror at the creature's death "That poor creature." Ori said in a sad tone while his ears drooped. Still though, he continued walking past the rocks into an open area "Is this where it led to?" Ori said while looking around. He climbed on a fallen tree trunk only to see a blue sphere on the ground "What is that?" he said as he approached it.

Once he was next it, he picked it up "This looks like that orb I absorbed." he said right before said orb began to glow brightly causing him to shield his eyes with his free paw "MY EYES!!" Ori yelled, dropping the now glowing orb.

The light soon diminished allowing Ori to look once more but when he looked there was no orb in sight. Instead there was a spirit laying down on the ground unconscious "Who is this? And where did the orb go?" Ori thought while tilting his head in confusion. The spirit Ori was looking at was similar to him, they were feminine. Had the same long ears and short horn-like antennae on the top of her head. Hooves for feet and white fur around most of her body but what made her different however was that there was blue coloured fur from her paws traveling up her lower arms as well as some blue fur on her lower legs.

Ori took in all the details of this spirit "I'll be honest, she's a little cute." Ori thought. A small blue blush came across his face once he noticed at what he had just said in his head he also averted his gaze from her as well. He decided to sit down and relax while he waited for this mysterious spirit to wake up.

It wasn't too long when she awoke revealing that her eyes were black with blue pupils "My strength... is returning..." the spirit weakly said catching Ori's attention. Ori looked to the spirit once more "Oh hi. I see that you're awake." Ori spoke, which made the spirit jump and shoot a blue flame from her paw in his direction. Ori saw the flame fly passed his face as it just missed him. Ori didn't say anything as he was shocked by the flame that came from the mysterious spirit.

The spirit looked at Ori "Wait Ori?" she spoke, confused. Ori looked at her with the same confusion "That name again..." Ori said while in thought. Ori soon heard the same deep and echoey voice in his head that he heard all those years ago "That is your name. Your name is Ori." The voice said. Ori still didn't know who it belonged to "That voice again..." he said. The feminine spirit looked at Ori "What voice are you speaking of?" she asked. "Well, the voice is deep and echoey. I don't know who or what it belongs to." Ori told her. Hearing this, the spirit gave a surprised look "You heard the voice of the Spirit tree?" she said in surprise.

Ori looked to the female spirit "spirit wha-" he said making the feminine spirit more surprised "He doesn't know about the spirit tree?!" she thought "I'll tell you later. I didn't introduce myself. I'm Sein, the light and eyes of the spirit tree. I was lost in this glen when she loosened her grip. I can guide you on your journey, if you allow me to come." Sein introduced herself. Ori gave an understood nod "Well, nice to meet you, Sein. I was told my name was Ori." he spoke. The sound of a snap reached the duo "But be still, did you hear that? They must have followed you here!" Sein spoke preparing for anything. Soon they saw an amphibious creature, it was mostly light orange in colour, it moved by jumping. "It's a Hopper, beware of their crushing stomp." Sein warned Ori, who once again gave an understood nod then Sein shot the same blue flames that Sein shot at Ori earlier, killing the hopper in a few shots.

Both Ori and Sein ran to the edge of the tree trunk they were on to see two more hopper's "I'll deal with them, Ori." Sein spoke and dash off before Ori could reply. Ori was amazed at Sein's movement's, she dodged one and shot at it with expert aim and shot the other Hopper using her other paw killing both Hoppers in quick succession "Wow..." Ori said under his breath in awe not knowing that the same blue blush appeared on his cheeks. Ori soon shook his head in quick succession to regain focus and walked to Sein "That was impressive." Ori complemented Sein.

A slight blue blush appeared on her face "Thank you, Ori." her blush vanished soon after. Sein then began speaking again "'Their lights shall return to me', these words the spirit tree once said. In the glade past the caverns we'll find him, there's a path up ahead!" Ori nodded "Well, let's get going then." He soon said making Sein nod in agreement and they both began to head to the spirit tree. And with that, their journey began.

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