Chapter 7: Climbing the Ginso tree

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Ori and Sein began heading back to the Ginso tree which didn't take them long. Ori placed the water vein in a spherical shape in the bark of the Ginso tree. The three lines on the bark began to glow blue as it turned upside down and split open "We can now enter. Let us cleanse the waters of Nibel." Sein spoke and they entered the Ginso tree.

Once they entered, they saw how... rotten it was "The waters of Nibel once flowed through this very tree... Now it's all rotten and dried up inside. We shall restore the flow, the Ginso tree's heart we must find." Sein told Ori. Ori nodded "That should be up there somewhere, right?" he asked which Sein nodded "Correct." she said as she approached a log with some thorns on it. Sein soon destroyed the thorns, allowing them to get up to a large hollow tree trunk with a light blue light coming from it. "What are these?" Ori asked tilting his head to the side "I believe these are portals." Sein answered. Ori soon stepped through it and ended up on the other side of the tree "Yep these are portals!" he yelled to Sein from across the tree. Sein soon walked through to where Ori was.

Sein noticed more sets of thorns soon after and destroyed them. the duo came across another portal, they went through it only to see more thorns on another log as well as a Crawler "These thorns are already getting annoying." Ori said which Sein agreed "Agreed. But we must keep moving." she said as she destroyed the thorns before jumping up the log and killed the Crawler allowing Ori to jump up to where Sein was.

Once Ori got to Sein, they continued upward by wall jumping and jumped to a suspended log and double jumping towards a portal "These could be a useful tool to us for climbing the Ginso tree." Ori said to Sein "Yes, they would. We shall use these to our advantage." she replied. The two spirits went through the portal to appear in a room full of thorns, suspended pieces of wooden blocks, and moving red spikey blobs. Sein shot her spirit flame at the red blob only for nothing to happen to it "What are those? My spirit flame can't harm them at all!" Sein was dumbfounded at this red blob's invulnerability to her flames. "So, we should just avoid these things." Ori spoke before noticing all the portals in the room "There are also a lot of portals we can use to continue upward." he added. Sein soon noticed the number of portals "We can also use them to reach those higher wooden blocks." Sein spoke.

They soon began to head upwards using the wooden blocks and portals while being careful of the red spikey creatures. They soon made it to safe ground which a portal was in front of them "Let's see what's on the other side of this one." Ori said as they both went through the portal.

On the other side, they were met with thorns, a spring plant, and another portal "Well, this was anticlimactic." Ori said, disappointed. This made Sein release a little laugh "Were you expecting something else?" she asked. Ori nodded "Yeah." they soon jumped on the spring plant and went through the portal only to end up in a room with three sets of thorns, one on the ground while the other two were on a wall and the ceiling and a portal surrounded with more thorns. "Great. More thorns. Lovely." Ori said with sarcasm. Sein destroyed the three sets of thorns "I see another portal, but it's surrounded by thorns. We need to be careful." Sein warned "understood." Ori spoke.

The two spirits managed to get through the portal without harm as they appeared in front of a spring plant. Sein looked up where the spring plant was to see another portal, what she didn't know, however was that there was an Arachne awaiting them. "There's a portal up there so we can use this spring plant to reach it." Sein told Ori "Alright. After you." Ori replied before they both used the spring plant and got through the portal.

The Arachne saw them and shot a purple projectile at them which also went through the portal, hitting Ori's back "OW!! What just hit me?" Ori said as he was on one knee. Sein imminently turned to Ori's aid "Are you ok?!" she asked with extreme worry "Yeah, I'm fine. something just hit my back." he said calmly "Still doesn't hurt as much as getting my paw impaled." Ori thought as he managed to stand up with the help of Sein. "Thanks for helping me up." he thanked her "It is no problem. But we should keep moving." she said. Luckily for them though, the room they were in had a life pod, Sein opened it and got the little green orb that Ori saw yesterday and put it in his paw. The orb was absorbed into his body, relieving the pain on Ori's back  "What are those anyway?" Ori asked "Those are called life orbs; they'll heal us if we get hurt." Sein explained. Ori nodded in understanding before looking at the portal that was on the other side of the green casing of the life orb "I see. Well, I'll volunteer to see what's through the portal." he volunteered "ok. But please be careful." Sein told him "I will, Sein." he replied and went through the portal.

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