Chapter 26: The white and royal green leaf

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It was a peaceful night. Sein was asleep while Ori tried to sleep but couldn't "Great, insomnia. How wonderful." he thought with sarcasm as he slowly sat up. Ori's vision he had back when he and Sein fell asleep after getting the gumon seal remained in his head after three weeks. "Maybe some fresh air will help." he thought as to not wake Sein up and walked out of the cave.

When he exited the cave, he felt the cool and gentle breeze brush across his face as he went to a patch of grass and sat down "Hopefully this can help clear my head." Ori quietly spoke to himself as he took in the fresh air. While he was sitting on the grass, he thought back to the time that they were in Misty woods with the two Mortar worms and remembered seeing royal green flames when both his and Sein's spirit flames merged "When both our flames merged, they turned royal green... Just like some of Solas' fur colour." Ori would say to himself as he looked at a golden flame that he ignited in his paw. Ori was sitting on the grass for almost an hour, he was deep in thought "Can two spirits even have children of their own?" this thought largely piqued his curiosity. Ori finally felt sleep catch up to him "I better head back inside and finally sleep." he said before entering the cave.

Ori entered his and Sein's new home and headed to the straw bed that Sein was on before laying down and drifting off to sleep that his body desperately needed.

A new day started in Nibel; the tiniest bit of sunlight managed to get in the cave. Sein slowly awoke "How does the sunlight even get in here?" she sleepily asked herself before stretching the sleep out. Sein saw that Ori was still asleep "Still asleep, huh?" she said before she had an idea. Sein picked up Ori and took him out of the cave and towards the water "This'll wake you up." she said mischievously. Ori knew what was going on as he had a tiny smirk on his face as he used his new grapple ability as a small trail of golden light attached itself to Sein. Luckily for Ori, she didn't notice it "I hope you enjoy your dip in the water." Ori thought. Sein would soon drop him into the water only to be pulled in with him "AAAAHHHH!!" she yelled before hitting the water. Ori soon surfaced with the biggest grin on his face "HAHAHA! I knew you were going to do that." he said, laughing while Sein looked at him defeated. "I thought I could surprise you." she replied to him before they both got out of the water and dried off with their spirit light.

A few minutes pass as both spirits were dry, Ori realised that there were no fruit trees in Lost grove "Hmm... No fruit trees. At least there's a spirit well in the back of the cave." he said which made Sein look at him "There's a spirit well in the cave?" she asked with Ori nodding "Yeah. Follow me." he said and walked into the cave with Sein following. Ori showed the spirit well to Sein, who was a bit shocked to know that a spirit well was in their new home "Huh. Would you look at that." Sein said with surprise.

Both spirits approached and the light flew into their bodies "We can use this to go to Sunken glades and grab some fruit." Ori told Sein with her nodding.

They warped to the Sunken glades and headed to a nearby fruit tree "I'll get the fruit." Ori said before climbing the tree and grabbing two fruits from the branches and headed down. Once down, he gave one to Sein "Thank you, Ori." she thanked him "It's no problem." Ori replied as he bit into the fruit releasing the juice and flavour of the fruit that Ori liked so much.

After they ate, they went to the lake that was across from the spirit well to wash the juice off their paws and for Ori, his fur as well "This always happens." he said with a sigh before beginning to clean his fur. After he was finished, they headed back to the Lost grove using the spirit well to warp "Hmm..." Ori said in thought. Sein noticed this "Is there something on your mind, Ori?" she asked. "Yes. It's been on my mind ever since last night." Ori told Sein "You can tell me." she replied.

Ori took a deep breath "Well, I couldn't really sleep last night so, I went out for some air to try and calm my mind and thoughts. But the vision I had remained which got me to question..." Ori felt his heartbeat quicken as a deep blush, now golden yellow formed on his cheeks "Can spirits have children of their own?" he asked which caught Sein off guard and making her blush as well. "W-Well, th-that was unexpected." she stammered before composing herself. "It is possible, I have seen it happen while I was on the mantle of the Spirit tree before the blindness. They would use their light for the creation of a spirit leaf of their own. Why do you ask?" she told him. "Well, I remembered something that happened back when we were fighting the two Mortar worms in Misty woods. Some of our flames mixed and created royal green flames which matches some of Solas' fur colour." Ori explained to her.

Sein remembered when Ori told her about his vision and his description of Solas. Sein became curious "Hey, Ori? Can you ignite your spirit flame, please?" she asked "Sure, but why?" Ori asked back while igniting a golden flame. Sein ignited her spirit flame as a blue flame came from her paw "I'm curious to see if this Solas you told me about is truly our child." she replied and brought her flame to his. The flames soon merged into one as Sein placed her paw on his, revealing the royal green flame "It is true. Solas is our child." Sein thought out loud.

Then something peculiar happened, both Ori and Sein felt some of their light leave their body and enter the flame which was now white and soon released a giant flash of royal green coloured light "What's happening?" Ori questioned while shielding his eyes "I don't know." Sein answered also covering her eyes. Soon the light died down allowing the two confused spirits to look only to see a white and royal green leaf in their paws.

Both Ori and Sein were shocked "Is that what I think it is?" Ori asked "It's a spirit leaf but... It matches the colours of your description of Solas." Sein answered. Realisation soon hit the spirits "Did we... create this?" Ori spoke in a questioning tone "Yeah, we did." Sein answered. "We created solas." she told Ori.

Ori was both joyed that they now have a child to look forward to, but he also felt confused on how this happened "How did this happen?" he asked. "It must've happened when our spirit flames mixed." Sein answered.

Ori and Sein were both happy and still confused on how this happened, but they decided to push their confusion to the side. "We should find somewhere to place the leaf." Ori spoke with Sein nodding. They found a small straw bed and placed the leaf onto it "Wow... I can't believe this is happening." Ori said "I agree. Our life will certainly be interesting after they form." Sein replied.

"Ishould tell Naru and Gumo about this." Ori spoke before heading to the spiritwell "Wait. Before you go." Sein ran up to Ori right after she spoke and gavehim a kiss "Now you can tell them." She said and let Ori continue to the spiritwell. Ori soon reached the well and warped to the Sunken glades.

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