Chapter 12: Separated within the Misty woods

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The two spirits were resting. Ori and Sein were in each other's hold. They were both in thought, there was one thought that didn't leave Sein's mind "What would it be like if we started a family?" this thought wouldn't leave no matter how hard she tried to get rid of it, while Ori was thinking about the future after they complete their mission. "What will happen after Sein is returned to the spirit tree? Will I be the same?" his ears began to droop slightly at this thought. Sein quickly noticed this "Hey, are you ok?" she asked "I... don't know." Ori answered in an uncertain voice "You know you can tell me anything, Ori." Sein said in a comforting voice. "Well, it's just after this journey... you'll be back on the mantle of the Spirit tree, and I'll be alone again..." Ori's tone was slowly filling with sadness "I know the Spirit tree is thinking on what to do about this, but I don't know how long that'll take." he added. It was then Ori felt Sein began to hug him a little tighter "Ori its ok. The Spirit tree will think of something. We must believe he will before we return to him." she told him before kissing him, Ori kissed back.

The two were kissing for a few minutes before breaking apart, breathing for air "I really don't know what I would've done without you, Sein." Ori spoke after catching his breath "Finding you was the best thing that has happened to me." he added "Agreed. I'm glad you found me in the Sunken glades otherwise this wouldn't be happening right now." Sein agreed.

Ori soon got up. "Well, we should probably get back to our mission and acquire the gumon seal." he said as he held a paw out. Sein gladly took Ori's paw "Agreed, but... I don't know how to glide." she told Ori "Well, luckily for you I know how to glide. I can teach you if you like?" Ori spoke, making Sein light up with happiness while nodding. Ori saw her reaction "Ok, I'll teach you. So, what you need to do is grab both ends of the feather in this case and form an arch." Ori soon showed Sein the arch with the feather that he got.

Sein gave an understood nod "So like this?" she asked while forming the arch. Ori nodded "Yes, exactly like that. Now when you jump off the ground, just don't forget to hold it above you so it can catch the air." he told her with a smile. Sein soon attempted to glide, she did what Ori told her and held the feather above her. She soon started gliding "Yeah, that's it. You're doing great!" Ori said with pride.

They both glided to the entrance to Misty woods soon after. "Wow... There's a lot of this green looking mist." Ori commented on the mist that was seeping from the entrance. "We must be careful. Those who have entered have never returned." Sein warned Ori, who now had visible terror on his face. "N-Never r-returned." he stuttered with fear "I'm afraid so. But we must go in there and get the gumon seal." she replied. Ori gulped and nodded "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" he mentally asked himself as they entered.

Everything was going smoothly so far while they went deeper into the woods. They came across a Crawler and a green version of the Spitter "It's a Spitter but why is it green?" Ori asked just before it shot a green projectile with extreme speed. Ori barely dodged it while Sein shot spirit flames at it, killing it. "Are you ok, Ori?" she asked "Yeah. That was too close." he replied while trying to regain his composure.

"That was a Rotting Spitter, it spits more quickly, and their shots have a longer range and more damage." Sein informed Ori "Understood. Anyway, we should keep going." Ori spoke with Sein nodding in agreement and they both continued moving until they came across a big lantern "The Shrouded lantern... This mysterious haze bellows out of its stem. If we find a way to light it, the path might clear up once again!" Sein explained "Well, there should be something in these woods." Ori replied. They continued to walk deeper into the woods "I'll admit. I have a bad feeling about this." Ori admitted "Everything will be ok, Ori." Sein tried to reassure the spirit, but Ori couldn't shake off his bad feeling.

Some minutes have passed since they entered the woods, they were trying to find something to light up the Shrouded lantern. Something caught Ori's attention. It was a keystone "Hey, Sein. Do you see that keystone?" he asked which made Sein stop and look in the direction of where he was looking. "Yeah, I do. This means that there's a spirit gate nearby." she said. "I'll go get it. I'll hopefully be back..." Ori spoke with a little fear in his tone "I hope so, too." Sein replied as Ori went to the keystone.

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