Chapter 20: Cleansing the final element

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While Ori was traversing the area, he found himself in, Sein found herself in an area with magma everywhere with two floating platforms, three lanterns, and two lasers. "I'll need to be extremely careful if I don't want to be a cooked spirit." Sein told herself before jumping down onto one of the floating platforms. She saw the laser that blocked her path "I hope there is something for me to bash off down there." Sein spoke before pulling out Kuro's other feather that both she and Ori got in the Valley of the winds and glided down.

As she slowly approached the magma that was under her, she saw a lantern "I can bash upward using the lantern." she thought out loud before heading to the lantern. Sein bashed off the lantern to a lever "What does this do?" she thought before pulling it. The two floating platforms soon began to move "So that's what it does." Sein spoke as an idea came to her mind. "What if I do a charge jump after flipping the lever again?" she thought out loud before going with her idea.

Sein flipped the lever and quickly jumped onto the platform as she charged her light, she soon charge jumped onto the other platform almost getting hit by the laser. "That was way too close." she spoke as a red and orange Mortar Worm came from the ground and shot a fire ball of some kind. Sein bashed upward using the fire ball as a bash point. The Mortar Worm went back into the ground soon after.

Sein soon saw a piece of the ground that was sticking up "This should stop the magma from flowing if I stomp it." she spoke before stomping it. The magma soon stopped flowing with the lasers deactivating soon after "It seems like it worked." Sein said to herself and headed towards the door.

Once Sein went through the door, she couldn't help but feel worried about Ori, knowing that they might never return put them both on edge. Soon Sein saw a light in the distance she imminently knew who it was "Ori's still alive! Thank the light!" she thought with relief as she headed his way.

Ori saw Sein approaching him and he began to do the same.

Once they were reunited, they began to hug each other "Thank goodness, you're alright." Ori spoke with relief "I could say the same to you." Sein replied with the same relief. They would soon share a kiss before separating "That's only two. There might be more magma flows in those other doors that we saw on the way up here." Ori told Sein. "Well, let's find out." Sein replied. They both headed to the some of the other doors soon after.

*3 hours later*

Both Ori and Sein had finished blocking all the magma flows and saw the magma around the entrance of Mount Horu had lowered "Ori look. The Magma had lowered we can now head towards the Element of warmth!" Sein spoke with glee. "Well, let's go and cleanse it and save Nibel from a fiery fate." Ori replied before jumping down "Wait for me!!" Sein shouted before jumping down after him.

Ori was the first to land with Sein landing next to him "Well, which way?" Ori asked. "It should be that way." Sein answered pointing to a drop in the ground. They both went to the drop only to see that stone door they came across back in Thornfelt swamp and Misty woods. Ori soon began to feel dark presences around him and Sein "Get ready to fight anything that appears." Ori said as he summoned his golden flame sword. Soon an orange Mortar Worm launched out of the ground and shot its fiery projectile towards them. The spirits quickly moved out of the way. But more Mortar Worms came from the walls and began to shoot projectiles at both spirits.

After a few minutes of dodging and attacking, the Mortar was on the ground lifeless, and the other Mortars stopped firing their projectiles as the stone door opened. "Quickly, Ori! We must go!" Sein said with urgency in her tone. "Alright, lead the way." Ori replied calmly and they began heading to the element of warmth.

The spirits headed down the drop and towards a big door with seemingly fiery black smoke being seen on the other side "The element of warmth should be through this door." Sein informed Ori. "Understood. I can't believe this is the end of our journey." Ori spoke "Yes. But we'll be together after this is over." Sein replied. Ori took a deep breath "Let's do this." he spoke before they both walked through the door.

Once they were on the other side, they saw black smoke everywhere "Oh my... we must get to the element now!" Sein said as she grabbed Ori's paw and charge jumped to the element. "Please warn me next time." Ori said with a stern face before looking at the element "Oh... It's really out of control, isn't it?" he added. "The Element of warmth is within our grasp! With the elements restored, we could undo the effects of her wrath." Sein told Ori. Ori nodded and lifted his paw up towards the element and used the Spirit tree's light which was now mostly fused into Ori's light. The light travelled to the element and flew into it causing the black smoke to fade as it soon began to glow.

Ori and Sein felt accomplished once the Element of warmth was cleaned, but theirvictory was short lived, however as Kuro saw them and landed on the element andreleased a shriek of hatred towards the two spirits...

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