Chapter 13: A dream? Or a vision?

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With the two spirits reunited, they continued to walk through the woods. They came across two creatures of decay, one of them being a Rotting Spitter. "Don't worry. I got this." Ori said as he managed to summon the golden flame sword again. "Didn't you say we shouldn't leave each other's side?" Sein asked. "Who said I was going to leave your side?" Ori replied while he deflected the projectile from the Rotting Spitter into a creature that looked like a Rammer, but its armour was a lighter colour and had lime green spots on its body. The Rotting Spitter's projectile hit the creature, causing it to explode. Ori then threw the sword at the Rotting Spitter, hitting its chest. The sword soon dissipated as the Rotting Spitter's body fell to the ground "Oh my..." was all that Sein could say as she was surprised on how Ori was able to use his new sword effectively despite never using it. She could have also sworn that she saw Ori's fur on his arms slightly change colour for a moment but shrugged it off as they continued to walk.

The terrain was changing around them as they walked "I don't like how the terrain is always changing." Ori spoke with discomfort "Agreed. It will be a miracle if we get out of this place." Sein replied. After walking a bit more, they came into an area with the same stone door with the two circles "It's that door again. That means we might need to fight some creatures of decay." Sein said just before two Mortar worms flew into the air from the ground and shot a projectile at both the spirits. Sein dodged while Ori bashed it back at the mortar worm and managed to hit it. "Yep. Fighting creatures of decay." Ori said as his paws began to radiate golden flames.

The Mortar worms flew out again only to be shot by both Ori and Sein's spirit flames, some of the flames even combined into a royal green flame. Soon the Mortar worms fell to the ground and stopped moving indicating that they were dead "Well, that was easy." Ori said as the door opened revealing the spirit gate behind it.

The two went up to the spirit gate, "Needs four keystones. I only have two." Ori said not knowing Sein had the other two, "I have the other two." Sein said. Sein soon showed Ori the other two "Well, at least we can open the gate." he said with a small smile forming on his face.

They put the four keystones in which opened the spirit gate. Ori and Sein saw a globe that was illuminating a hazy green colour. They both went up to the globe "What's this globe?" Ori asked tilting his head to the side in curiosity "This is Atsu's torch! It was lost in this place... if we carry it to the Shrouded lantern, it might show us the way." Sein explained. Ori soon nodded "I see. Well, I'll carry it." he said as he picked it up causing it to glow faintly. "Ok. Let's get back to the Shrouded lantern." Sein soon spoke and turned to see the Shrouded lantern in the distance.

Both Ori and Sein were now heading to the Shrouded lantern. They noticed how the mist around them was being dissipated by Atsu's torch "Wow, seems like Atsu's torch can dissipate the mist." Ori said impressed "Yeah. It saves us time trying to find the Shrouded lantern as well." Sein replied. They soon reached the Shrouded lantern. "Ok. So, I should put Atsu's torch in this?" Ori asked while looking at a bowl-shaped holder on the lantern "Yes. It should disperse the mists and clear our path." Sein told him.

Ori soon put Atsu's torch into the holder which caused the Shrouded lantern to light up with light blue flames, and it began to rise while little platforms began to float. "What is happening?" Ori asked before a noticeable yellow glow came from the Shrouded lantern before a yellow crystal soon landed in between the two spirits before the Shrouded lantern lowered back down. "We lit the Shrouded lantern, it lifted the haze!" Sein spoke with relief that no one will get lost in the Misty woods again.

"Ori... the key to the Forlorn ruins, the gumon seal has been revealed!" she told him. Ori nodded, feeling relieved that they will make it out of Misty woods. Ori picked up the gumon seal and used the Spirit tree's light to store it. "The element of winds is deep within the Forlorn ruins, south of this place. It's not too far from here, I can show you the way." Sein told Ori "Alright, let's get out of here. I don't like this place one bit." he replied. Sein agreed with a nod, and they began walking.

When they got out, they saw it was dark "Oh. It appears we were in there for many hours." Sein said "Yeah. We should get some rest for the journey to the Forlorn ruins." Ori said. Sein nodded "Agreed. Let us sleep and regain our energy for tomorrow." she agreed. Both spirits found a small patch of grass to lay on "This will have to do for now." Ori spoke "I agree, its ether this or the stone. So, I choose the grass." Sein agreed. They both began to lay on the grass and closed their eyes before drifting off to sleep.

When Ori opened his eyes, he noticed he wasn't in the dark void like the first time or when he was unconscious but rather in an area with sparkling clean water, a bright blue sky, and both him and Sein- "Wait." he said as he looked back to see both him and Sein cleaning up a cave "What are we doing in a cave?" Ori spoke with confusion before he heard his other self speak to Sein. "It's great that Mum told us about her old home because if the spirits found out where we lived... Oh boy, we would not get any peace and quiet." Ori's other self said. Ori was trying to process what he heard when he soon noticed that his other self had golden fur in the same places as Sein's blue fur. "Is this a dream?" he asked himself.

He soon heard an unfamiliar voice "Mum! Dad! I'm home!" this voice belonged to a small spirit with a feminine appearance with white and royal green fur, the royal green fur matching the placement of both Sein's and his other self's fur and had two different coloured pupils her left was blue like Sein's eye colour while her right was gold like the colour of Ori's new abilities. "Welcome home, Solas. Did you have fun with the other spirits?" Sein asked. While this was happening, Ori couldn't understand what was going on "What is going on right now? And who is Solas?" he asked himself. He would see Solas nod happily "I did, we played hide and seek, tag, and threw a ball of light to each other." Solas would tell Sein and Ori's other self. "Well, I'm glad to hear that you had fun." The other Ori said with a smile. Ori was trying to piece all this together, but all of this still confused him "Could this be a dream or a vision?" this thought remained in his head while this was happening. Everything began to slowly blacken as Ori's surroundings began to become blurred before fading into nothingness.

Orisoon opened his eyes to see it was at the crack of dawn "What a strange dream. Itfelt so real though." Ori said with sleep in his voice. He sat up and looked athis paws "Why was there gold fur in the same places as Sein's blue fur?" Ori askedhimself. Ori couldn't stop thinking about what he saw but one thing stood outfrom it all to him though "My other self said that Mum told him-err meabout an old home she used to live in." he thought. Then that spirit, Solascame to his mind "Who is Solas? She called us her mother and farther like..."then it hit him "Is Solas our child?" Ori said out loud as his cheeks becameblue. Sein began to awaken soon after Ori came to this realisation, "Oh.Morning, Ori. I wasn't expecting you to be up so early." she spoke with a hintof sleep "Morning, Sein. I need to tell you something." he replied.

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