Chapter 27: The birth of Solas

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Ori appeared in the centre of the spirit well of Sunken glades "Ok how do I just bring this up to them?" he asked himself as he headed to Swallow's nest. Ori kept thinking while walking "I don't know how to tell them. This'll be interesting." he thought before arriving at Swallow's nest and walked towards his former home. "Well, here goes nothing." Ori said to himself as he was approaching the cave, he once called home.

He soon heard a familiar voice "Oh, this is a pleasant surprise." Ori turned to where the voice came from to see Naru looking at him with a smile "Hey, Mum." Ori said before running up to her and embrace her in a hug. "I'm happy to see you too, Ori. Did you miss us already?" Naru asked while returning the hug "Yeah. You took care of me for my whole life." he replied.

"It's time to tell them." Ori thought before speaking again "I also came with some news. Don't worry, it's nothing bad." he informed his adopted mother. Naru looked at Ori curiously "What type of news?" she asked "Well, its best if I tell both you and Gumo at the same time." Ori spoke with nervousness evident in his tone. Naru imminently noticed Ori's nervousness "Is it something about you and Sein?" Naru asked "Well, it does involve us but that's not the main piece of news that I wish to tell." Ori answered "I see. You can enter the cave while I get Gumo I believe he was working on something to help with fruit collection." Naru told him.

Ori nodded and walked into the cave and waited for both Naru and Gumo. "Ok breathe in and out you got this Ori." he told himself.

Naru soon walked into the cave with Gumo following behind "Hey, Ori. Naru told me that you have some type of news that you would like to share?" Gumo said with curiosity. Ori nodded "Yeah and to be honest. I don't know how to tell you two at all." Ori replied to Gumo "You can take your time. We'll try to understand whatever you say." Naru said to Ori with a calming tone.

Ori took a deep breath "Well, something happened earlier this morning after I grabbed two pieces of fruit in Sunken glades for me and Sein. I couldn't sleep properly last night. I had thoughts running through my mind, it was mostly about the vision I had during our journey to save Nibel." Ori stopped for breath before continuing "I told Sein something which led to her asking me to ignite my golden flame so, I did and she ignited her flame and brought hers closer. Our flames mixed into a royal green one before something happened." Ori explained a bit out of breath. "What was this 'something' that happened?" Gumo asked now intrigued. "Well, we felt some of our light leave our body and it entered the flame, turning it white before releasing a flash of royal green light which caused us to shield our eyes. It soon died down and when we looked, the flame was gone, replaced by a white and royal green spirit leaf. I think you can understand the rest." Ori finished his explanation, leaving Naru and Gumo surprised and speechless.

Naru was the first to understand what Ori said, "Do you mean to tell us that you and Sein now have a child?" she asked Ori, who nodded "Yeah and the thing is, this all happened because Sein wanted to confirm that this small female spirit, I saw in my vision was our child and... she was." Ori told them. "Well, congrats, Ori." Gumo congratulated Ori with Naru giving a nod. "Thanks, Gumo." Ori thanked Gumo. "But there's one problem: Sein and I... don't know how to take care of a child." Ori spoke with uneasiness "Don't worry. I can tell you all I know on how to take care of a child." Naru said to Ori, which nodded.

As Ori was now being lectured on how to take care of a child, Sein was still in the cave that both her and Ori call home in Lost grove. She was looking at the spirit leaf that lay in the small straw bed "I still can't believe that this is happening. But I need to be ready for this no matter what, I just hope Ori's ready for this." she spoke to herself.

While Sein was looking at the leaf, it suddenly began glowing brightly causing Sein to shield her eyes. "It's already happening?!" Sein thought with surprise before the light quickly died down as soon as it began.

Sein quickly looked at the small straw bed only to see a small feminine spirit with the physical body of both Ori and Sein. Sein took in the newly formed spirits appearance "So this is what Solas looks like." she said while looking at Solas' white and royal green fur which matched Ori's description. Sein approached the newly formed spirit which Sein named her Solas and carefully picked her up and held Solas in her arms "I can't wait for Ori to see her." Sein thought while looking at Solas, who was sleeping peacefully. It was then that the sound of warping from the spirit well was heard at the back of the cave "Seems like your father's back, Solas." Sein said to her sleeping child.

Ori soon came from the path that led to the spirit well and saw Sein holding Solas in her arms ."It already happened!" Ori quietly shouted as to not wake up Solas. Sein nodded "It has. Why not come over and see her." Ori nodded and walked over to see their child up closer.

Ori soon made it to Sein and looked at Solas with a smile on his face "Wow... She has the cuteness of her mother." Ori half joked which made Sein smile at him "You're too kind, Ori." Sein replied.

Sein soon felt movement and looked down to see that Solas was beginning to awaken "Oh, she's waking up." Sein spoke with happiness.

Solas soon opened her eyes revealing that she had two different eye colours which matched Ori's description even more. Solas' eyes were black while her left pupil being blue, and her right being gold. "Her eye's match Ori's description as well." Sein thought while looking into her daughter's eyes.

Ori was the first to break the silence "Hello. I welcome you into the world of Nibel little one." he welcomed Solas as he brought his paw close to her, allowing Solas to grab it. "Oh, I don't think you told me her name, Sein." Ori said to her "Oh, you're right. Its Solas." Sein told Ori their child's name "Just like the spirit from my vision." Ori replied with a smile.

Solas wanted to be put on the ground so, she lightly tugged on Sein's fur which caught her attention "What is it, Solas?" Sein asked. Since Solas obviously couldn't speak yet, she pointed downward "Do you want to be put on the ground?" Ori asked trying to understand what the gesture meant. Solas nodded so Sein put her onto the ground "What are you planning on doing?" Ori asked Solas as he sat on the ground. Solas managed to get on her hooves, she was a bit shaky while she took her first steps. "Oh, I see now. Solas wants to learn how to walk." Sein said in realisation.

Solasthen fell on the floor which made both Ori and Sein a bit worried that she might have hurtherself "Are you ok?" Ori asked with worry. Solas gave her parents a thumbs upand proceeded to get back up onto her hooves. Minutes pass as Solas showed greatamounts of determination with each new attempt until she was walking which soonturned into running. "She has great amounts of determination to reach whateverher goals are. Just like a certain spirit I know." Sein said while looking atOri. "What can I say. I just like to help anyone in need. Especially when the forestneeded saving." Ori replied.

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