Chapter 28: Solas' first words

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It's been around a week since Solas formed, both Ori and Sein had taught her the best they could on how to use her spirit light Solas was able to use spirit flame just like her parents; Solas' flame was royal green. Solas also showed that she could use the abilities that Ori and Sein got from the ancestral trees over their journey except for gliding obviously. Ori and Sein felt proud that they were able to teach her on how to use her spirit light "Wow... She's learning so fast." Sein said proudly "Yeah. I think it's time that we should introduce her to Mum and Gumo. What do you say?" Ori replied as he smiled with Sein nodding "It would only make sense if she knew about her other family members." she agreed.

So, both Ori and Sein went up to Solas "Would you like to see one of your grandparents?" Ori asked which made Solas think for a moment before nodding happily "Well, let's go then." Sein spoke softly before she and Ori took Solas to the spirit well at the back of the cave. The three quickly came across the well. Ori and Sein had taught Solas about the spirit wells and what they can do so, the three stepped onto the well and warped to the Sunken glades.

They appeared in the centre of the spirit well of Sunken glades with Ori and Sein leading the way to Swallow's nest. The three made it to Swallow's nest a few minutes later "This is Swallow's nest Solas. This is where one of your grandparents live." Ori told his daughter. Solas looked around as her parents led her to a cave which she assumed that was where her grandparent lived. When they were at the entrance, Solas saw a big tree in the distance with blue light emanating from its bark. Ori and Sein noticed that Solas was looking at the Spirit tree "That's your grandfather Solas." Ori told her while looking at the tree in the distance.

The three soon heard the Spirit tree's voice in their mind "I see that you and Sein had a child." when Solas heard his deep voice, she began to franticly look around "Hey, Solas. Its ok. The Spirit tree can communicate with all our kind." Sein told her. Solas soon calmed down as Sein held her "Solas that's a nice name for her." the tree said "Thanks. Sein came up with her name." Ori replied telepathically. "Well anyways we should go. I was planning on telling my mother and Gumo about this." Ori soon told the Spirit tree "I understand. Would you like me to tell the other spirits about this?" the tree asked "Not now. We still need some time to adjust." Ori said "Ok. I will tell them when both of you are ready." the tree replied before vanishing from their minds "I just don't know how'll they react to this." Ori spoke "Well, let's hope it'll be a good one." Sein replied.

Ori looked to the entrance of the cave to see Naru checking on the egg like she would sometimes do when he still lived there "Well, are you ready, Solas?" he asked while looking at her who was now on the ground. Solas nodded and the three of them entered the cave "Hey, Mum. How's the egg looking?" Ori asked which made her jump and turn around "Oh, welcome, Ori and Sein. The egg is looking great. How have you two been?" Naru asked "We've been doing good, great in fact. We actually came to not only tell you and Gumo some great news but also introduce someone. By the way, where is Gumo?" Ori replied, "I'm right behind you." Gumo said which made Ori jump.

"Please don't do that." Ori said before laughing lightly "I do apologise for that but is this who you wanted to introduce us to?" Gumo asked while looking at Solas. Solas was a little scared of Gumo, but she waved at him. "Yeah. Mum, Gumo this is Solas. She can't really talk yet, so she's been using paw gestures to communicate to us for the time being." Ori introduced Solas to his adopted family. Naru approached the three and looked at Solas with caring eyes and imminently noticed that her eyes were two different colours from the traditional white "Oh, it seems that she has different eye colours from all the other spirits." Naru said while her and Solas looked at each other. "Yeah. It's the same colours as Sein's eye colour and the colour of my abilities, blue and gold." Ori said before turning to Solas.

"Solas this is Naru, she is my mother and your grandmother." he introduced Naru to her as he smiled. Solas smiled at Naru before approaching her and hugging her "Oh, it seems like she's already taken a keen liking to you." Sein said with a small giggle.

Everyone soon heard a small and light voice "Naru." this voice came from Solas which made everyone go silent "Oh. my. Goodness. Did she just speak?" Ori asked with a big smile "Yes, she did. She said her first word." Sein answered before hugging Ori with the same big smile. "Yes, I am Naru, Solas." Naru spoke while giving Solas a smile.

Gumo, who was still standing at the entrance of the cave approached Ori and Sein and placed his hands on their shoulders "It's a good day for this family." he said with a smile. Ori looked at Gumo "yeah. The other spirits are the only ones that need to know now well, until the egg hatches that is." he said to Gumo. "Well, why don't you three go over there and tell them?" Naru asked now holding Solas "I feel like if we go there, we would most likely be surrounded by the spirits and asked multiple questions about THAT event." Ori answered. Solas looked at her father with confusion as she tilted her head which both Ori and Sein noticed "Believe us, Solas. You don't want to know at such a young age. Let's just say... it was a bad time for Nibel around four weeks ago." Sein said as both her and Ori remembered everything about the blindness.

Solas saw her parent's discomfort from this event so, she managed to ask Naru to put her on the ground. Naru agrees and placed Solas on the ground. Solas then walked over to her parents and hugged them "Thank you, Solas." Ori thanked her while both him and Sein returned the gesture which made both Naru and Gumo smile once more. "No need to thank me. I just want to help those that are in need." Solas managed to say since she was now learning how to speak. Hearing what Solas said made Ori and Sein smile once more "It seems that she has the caring personality of her father." Sein said while looking at Ori "Hey, it's not just from me. It's also from you as well." Ori replied.

It was around noon, Naru gave everyone some fruit that was in a basket they all said their thanks and began eating the fruit. A few minutes pass as they finished the fruits, Ori's fur was stained by the juice like usual, so he told them that he was going to wash his fur in the lake and left the cave and went to the lake and entered the water.

While Ori was washing out the juice though, both Sein and Solas followed him with the intension of surprising him the same way Sein tried to with the charge jump. Sein already told Solas the plan back at the caves entrance so, Solas went on the wall that Sein used and prepared the charge jump and aimed herself towards her father before jumping which ended up surprising him as he was submerged.

Sein saw this happen and tried to contain her laughter as Ori surfaced along with Solas "Alright you got me." Ori spoke with a small grin on his face before looking up and seeing Sein "You told her to do it, didn't you?" Ori asked Sein with her nodding. "Seems like Solas has some of your playful personality." Ori said before releasing a chuckle and getting out of the water with Solas following her father.

Oriused a warm bubble of light to dry himself and Solas before dispersing it oncethey were dry.

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