Chapter 19: Entering Mount Horu

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Ori and Sein were glad that they found the Sunstone "One step closer to cleansing the Element of warmth." Ori said cheerfully. Though, it quickly faded as both spirits felt the ground shake beneath them "Oh no... Mount Horu is close to spewing fire, there is no time to lose!" Sein told Ori in a panic. "Ok. Let's go!" Ori replied as he grabbed Sein's paw and dashed the way they came.

"You could've warned me!!" Sein yelled at Ori "Well, Mount Horu is close to eruption so, it's best to quickly get there before it does." Ori replied as they were now heading downward. They quickly headed to the spirit well they found while going through the spikes "We'll warp to the Spirit tree. Just hold on to me." Ori instructed. Sein did just that as they disappeared is a flash of light.

They soon appeared at the Spirit tree and saw the raging fire behind the great tree "We need to get there quickly. Otherwise, the flames will reach the Spirit tree and truly prevent us from saving Nibel." Sein spoke with fear. Ori nodded and they went towards the Hollow grove. Unbeknownst to the spirits, both Naru and Gumo saw them and began following them.

The spirits made it to the Spider coves "I still hate this place!" Ori said while running through the coves. They were now at the logs in the water "Almost there!" Sein told Ori as they jumped from log to log.

They were now passed the water and felt the wind around them so, and they took their Feathers out and rode the wind upward. They soon reached a piece of ground and continued North towards Mount Horu.

They came across multiple creatures of decay "We don't have time for them. We must continue." Sein spoke with a stern voice Ori just summoned his golden flame sword and killed any creature that got in their way.

They soon came across a Rotten Beetle, it started to roll towards them only to be bashed by the spirits into a wall with a green crack on it.

The Rotten Beetle revealed a stomp switch "We don't have time to see at what it opens. We must continue." Sein told Ori with urgency. They soon went up a log only to come across floating rocks with a red core "Oh no... A Guardian Stone. They were made to protect some areas of Nibel before the forest turned blind." Sein told Ori as they headed towards Mount Horu.

The Guardian Stone soon began to fire a laser behind them which was slowly catching up to them before shooting a projectile at them. Ori noticed the projectile and quickly bashed it back and destroyed the Guardian stone.

The two spirits came across another wall with the green crack in it "We need one of those Rotten Beetles but where are we going to find one?" Ori said before turning around to see a conveniently placed Rotten Beetle across the gap "Well, that's very convenient." Ori added and they both headed across the gap to which the Beetle began rolling towards them and was bashed into the wall, destroying it. The spirits quickly went back to the broken wall and continued through it.

They imminently felt the temperature rise "Wow... It's gotten hot." Ori spoke "Well, I suppose it makes sense since there is fire and lava all over the path." Sein pointed out the obvious. Soon a Sentry stone began to shoot projectiles at the spirits only to be bashed "We can bash off their projectiles to get across." Ori told Sein which answered with a nod. They began bashing over the extremely hot ground under them. They soon made it across and continued towards Mount Horu's entrance.

The spirits charge jumped up to a ledge with a lava lake so, they charge jumped once more over the lake and landing at the entrance to the active volcano. Ori placed the Sunstone into the slot on the stone door as it glowed orange and opened.

This is when Sein began to speak "Nibel's source of warmth, all its glory has burned. Ori, if we enter this place we might never return..." Sein began to weep once she finished speaking.

Ori took a deep breath as he wrapped an arm around Sein "I'll make sure that we'll get out alive... Even if it's the last thing I do." he spoke while holding Sein close to him. After a few minutes, they ventured into Mount Horu.

Once inside, they saw the magma around them "The Element of warmth should be down there, but the magma blocks us." Sein informed Ori. "There's magma coming from the top. We should start there, block the magma and work our way down." Ori planned. "I agree. Let's get to the top." Sein agreed and they began to head upward using a variety of skills they gathered over their journey.

They were charge jumping, bashing, double jumping and wall jumping. Eventually, they made it to the top of the volcano and spotted two doors opposite of each other. "We should split up. It'll be quicker to stop the magma flow." Ori spoke. "As much as I hate it, you're correct. Please be careful, Ori." Sein replied as she began hugging him "I will. Can you please be careful too, Sein?" Ori asked Sein while hugging back. "Always." Sein replied before sharing a kiss with him.

They separated the kiss and split up, going to the different doors. They shared one last glimpse at each other before entering through the doors.

While Ori and Sein began to stop the magma flow within Mount Horu, Naru and Gumo were near the entrance of the volcano. They both knew how dangerous it was, but Naru solely wished to see her child, Ori again.

Gumo quickly jumped back as a giant rock landed where he was just standing "Go on ahead! Find Ori and Sein and bring them back safely!" Gumo said to Naru, his tone full of worry. "I Will! Thank you, Gumo! I hope to see you safe!" Naru replied before continuing forward.

Ori found himself in an area with two lanterns, spikes, two falling platforms and a Sentry stone. "Ok, I just need to find something that can stop the magma from flowing." Ori said to himself. He began making his way through the falling platforms to come across a magma pool "I see a lantern and a Sentry stone. I could bash off both the lantern and the projectile." Ori said before going with it.

Ori double jumped to the lantern and bashed towards the Sentry stone before pulling out Kuro's feather. The Sentry stone shot a projectile towards Ori only for him to bash upward and glided to some safe ground next to a magma pool.

Orithen charge jumped up to a giant rock "This could stop the magma flow. What ifI use the light of the Spirit tree to get it down?" he asked himself beforesticking his paw out and letting the tree's light interact with the rockcausing it to glow gold before it turned blue and dropped into the magma pool,blocking the magma flow. "Bingo! I wonder how Sein is doing?" he thought.

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