Chapter 18: Acquiring the Sunstone

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Ori opened his eyes to see he was in the darkness of his mind once again "So this is the third time that I've been here." Ori said out loud. It was then Ori noticed the golden glow radiating from his body just like when his body healed itself. "Hmm... What does this mean?" he spoke with a questioning tone "It means that my light has almost fully fused with your spirit light." the Spirit tree suddenly spoke which made Ori jump slightly. "I suppose that'll explain some of my new abilities. And about that vision I had, I don't think I'm ready for anything that was in it." Ori replied to the tree with a worried and uncertain tone. "It is ok to be afraid about the unknown that lay in the future, Ori." the Spirit tree told his child. "I know but raising a child of my own? I don't know anything about that." Ori said to the tree. "Then we can learn, together." A familiar voice spoke out.

Ori turned to the source of the voice only to see Sein "Sein? How are you here?" Ori asked. "Where exactly is 'here'?" she replied with a question. "We're currently within my mind right now. Now please tell me how you got here." Ori wanted to know how Sein entered his mind "Well, I don't exactly know how I got here." she said with confusion. "It's thanks to my light. Ever since I revived Ori, he was able to gain new abilities from my light. So, it might've been possible that he had accidently pulled you into his mind, Sein." The Spirit tree explained to the two spirits.

They were both a bit surprised from what the Spirit tree told them "Well, it could be a possibility." Sein said before continuing "Have you also thought of something about allowing me to stay with Ori after this is over, tree?" she asked the Spirit tree. "Yes but... It might take three weeks after you return to me, Sein." the tree replied. Both the spirits felt both happiness and disappointment "I can manage three weeks. What is your idea?" Ori asked "It is a special type of link I can do called a spirit link; it can link any type of spirit light to another spirit. I've never had to use it before but if I link Sein's light to me it should still provide me the light I need to provide balance to the elements. But as I said, it might take three weeks for it to take effect." the tree explained. "Well, it's better than nothing. We should get back to acquiring the Sunstone, shouldn't we?" Ori asked "Yes. We should." Sein spoke before vanishing "You should awake as well. Good luck, Ori." the Spirit tree spoke before vanishing as well. "Thank you... father." Ori said before he woke up as well.

Both Ori and Sein opened their eyes as they stretched "Well, we should get going." Ori spoke as he got up and offered a paw towards Sein. She took his paw "You're too kind for this world, you know that?" Sein said with a smile "Yeah, I know." Ori replied while returning the smile.

They looked around and saw a breakable piece of the ceiling "I suppose this is where charge jump could come in handy." Sein spoke "It seems like it. Maybe if I charge my spirit light, I could do a charge jump?" Ori said in a questioning tone. Ori soon charged his light causing his aura to expand around him. He then jumped but instead of his normal jump it launched him into the air, smashing through the breakable piece.

He soon latched onto a wall with one paw and holding his head with the other paw "Ow. That really hurt." Ori said feeling the pain in his head. Sein soon charged jumped up to Ori with extreme worry "Are you ok enough to continue?" she asked with worry "I think so." Ori replied as he began to charge his light again and jumped to another wall. Ori soon saw another breakable wall "I don't think I can survive another charge jump into another unstable piece of wall." he thought.

Despite the pain he felt in his head, an idea appeared "What if I could throw a charge flame?" he thought out loud "You mean a light burst?" Sein said as she was now next to him. "Yeah. Wait, what's a light burst?" Ori asked. "A light burst is a skill that some spirits possess. They can throw a ball of light which would explode after a while or if it hits something." Sein explained. "Hmm... Ok I think I got it." Ori spoke as he soon channelled his light forming something that looked like Ori's charge flame, but it was in his paw instead, he threw it at the wall. It exploded on impact, destroying it.

Sein was left speechless "I haven't seen a spirit successfully use light burst on their first attempt." she spoke with amazement "I guess I'm more than just a normal spirit then." Ori replied. They both charge jumped into an area with spikes and a lively green plant hanging from some stone. They bashed the plant onto a wall. The spirits began to climb up the wall where two Arachne's were suspended from the ceiling from their webs. "We'll need to bash their projectiles as well." Ori said as the Arachne shot their projectiles towards them.

They bashed from the projectiles and towards the Arachne that shot them and bashed off the Arachne to a safe piece of ground where a Rotting Spitter spotted them and shot its green projectile towards the spirits. Sein moved out of the way, but Ori stayed put with his eyes closed "Why isn't he moving? He's about to be hit." Sein thought with great worry.

Sein was in disbelief when she saw Ori catch the green projectile with no harm "W-What t-the..." she thought with disbelief while she watched the green projectile turn into a golden, flaming light burst. Ori then opened his eyes before throwing the flaming light burst at the Rotting Spitter. It hit the green Spitter causing it to explode in its face and killing it. "What just happened?" Sein asked shaking slightly from seeing Ori change the Rotting Spitters green projectile into a flaming light burst. "Just changed its projectile into a light burst. Now let's continue, we have a Sunstone to acquire." Ori spoke.

The spirits continued through multiple areas with spikes and breakable walls. They came to a part of Sorrow pass where the only way was up and down "We should be able to break the ground if we stomp at the same time." Ori said to with Sein agreeing "Agreed. It should also release the winds, allowing us to reach the Sunstone." Sein added. They both went downward to a part of the ground and stomped at the same time, releasing the wind. The wind soon began to rise upward "We can now rise to where the Sunstone resides." Sein said "Ok, let's go then." Ori replied and pulled out one of the feathers from Kuro with Sein pulling out the other feather before they flew upward.

They were soon above the clouds. They landed on the ground and walked to a big orange crystal that was standing tall "No wonder Kuro is avoiding this place... The Sunstone still radiates the light that she fears." Sein spoke as they approached the standing crystal.

When they were at the crystal, it began glowing before splitting open, and putting a crystalline, fiery orange rune on the ground before closing again. "The Sunstone! We can now enter Mount Horu!" Sein spoke once more.

While Ori and Sein were at the top of Sorrow pass, Gumo returned to where Ori once lived with the Light vessel in his hands. "This is for Ori." he thought while he entered the cave.

He soon came across Naru's cold, dead body and walked up to her "Please let this work." he thought before putting a hand on her body and closed his orange eyes to focus the light within the vessel. The Light vessel began to glow for a few seconds before it vanished with a mini flash of light.

Naru slowly opened her eyes once more "Is that you, my son?" she spoke in a questioning tone before sitting up and seeing Gumo. "No, I'm not Ori. But I might know where he's heading." Gumo answered before helping Naru to her feet and bringing her out of the cave.

Onceout of the cave, he took Naru to the edge of Swallow's nest and pointed toMount Horu "He might be headed there next. If we get there quick enough, youmight be able to see him again." Gumo told her before heading into Sunkenglades with Naru following.

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