Chapter 31: Another vision

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Ori slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in a very unfamiliar land, something that he hasn't seen in his life and yet... it felt familiar "Where am I? Why does this place feel familiar?" Ori asked himself while looking around the rainy landscape. Ori saw that he was in a marsh of some sort "Inkwater marsh?" he spoke with a questioning tone. Ori soon became extremely confused "How do I know the name of this place?" he asked himself again.

Ori's attention was shifted as he saw a golden light fall from the sky before hitting the ground which lifted dust into the air before hearing a very familiar voice "ORI!!" this voice was Sein's, and it was full of worry. Ori slowly approached where they landed to see both Sein and Solas on himself with extreme worry on their faces "Oh... that would hurt." he thought as he looked at his other self on the ground unconscious but breathing. The dust soon settled letting not only Ori to see around them once more but also allowing Sein and Solas to see where they were as well.

Soon something caught the attention of the three spirits, there were around four creatures that looked similar to lemurs, their fur was brown and white. They had glowing yellow eyes. Two large ears. Long bodies and a long tail with white on the end. They were looking at Sein and Solas with curiosity before looking at Ori's other self which was still unconscious "Wow that fall really knocked me out, huh?" Ori thought. One of the creatures soon spoke "Are you three spirits?" they didn't sound like any creature Ori knew but he was interested to know who these beings were. "Yes, we are. I'm Sein, this is Solas, and the one that's unconscious is Ori. We came from a land called Nibel. Can you please tell us where we are?" Sein introduced herself, Solas and himself. "It's nice to meet the three of you, we are known as the Moki. The place you're in is the Inkwater marsh." The Moki informed.

Once Ori heard that these creatures were called Moki, he felt a little bit of pain in his head "Ow. Why is my head hurting suddenly?" he asked himself as he put a paw on his head. "Do you know the name of the land that we crash landed in?" Solas asked, referring to her, Sein and Ori's other self. A moki nodded "Yes. You three are in Niwen and you three are the first spirits we've seen in years." They said while showing excitement that they are seeing spirits for the first time. Ori heard the name of the land which only made the pain worse "W-What is Niwen? And why does this make my head hurt?" he thought as he almost collapsed from the pain he felt. Ori's surroundings soon began fading to darkness as he slowly woke up.

Ori opened his eyes and sat up, he saw the sun light from the entrance of the cave "That was surreal. Why did I know the name of that marsh? And why did it hurt my head when those Moki introduced themselves? It didn't help when they said that me, Sein and Solas were in Niwen either." Ori thought aloud as he thought about what he saw. He soon got up on his hooves and exited the cave into the morning sun light.

Ori felt the pleasant light land on his body as he walked to the lake "That felt so real. Could've it been another vision?" he asked himself as he approached the lake and began to drink the water, using his paws as a cup. Once Ori was satisfied from the water, he went back into the cave and grabbed a basket before quietly heading to the spirit well hoping to not wake up Sein and Solas since they were still sleeping peacefully and warped to the Sunken glades to grab some fruit for him, Sein and Solas.

Ori soon appeared at the centre of the Sunken glade spirit well and walked to a nearby fruit tree "Time to collect some fruit." Ori said as he began to climb the tree with his tail carrying the basket and started to pick the fruit from the branches of the tree.

While he was collecting the fruit though, he couldn't stop thinking about what he heard and saw so, he decided to ask the Spirit tree telepathically "Hey, Spirit tree do you know a place called Niwen?" Ori asked. "Yes, I do. It is east of Nibel. Why do you ask?" the tree was surprised and slightly worried? But replied with a questioning tone "Well, last night, I believe I had another vision. I saw that I was in a marsh before I saw a golden light fall from the sky which I soon found out that it was me, Sein and Solas. I was unconscious while Sein and Solas were extremely worried. Then I saw these brown and white furred creatures called Moki and they informed Sein and Solas where they were and told them the name of the land which is what I asked you about and told them that spirits haven't been seen for years which leads me to believe that something has happened to the light." Ori went to explain everything to the Spirit tree while finishing up with the fruit collection. "Hmm I see. I'll investigate it. Thank you for telling me this, Ori." the great tree thanked him, still surprised and with the same slight worry before he vanished from Ori's mind. Luckily for the Spirit tree, Ori didn't catch the slight worry in his tone when he vanished.

When Ori was done collecting the fruit, he leapt down the tree he was on and returned to the spirit well and warped back to Lost grove with the fruits.

Ori soon appeared from the spirit well and proceeded to the main part of the cave to see that both Sein and Solas were now up. "I'm back." Ori spoke, catching the attention from the two spirits "Where did you go?" Sein asked. "Just to collect some fruit as well as telling the Spirit tree about something." Ori answered. Both Sein and Solas became interested in what Ori said. "What did you tell him, dad?" Solas asked "Well, something that I saw while I was asleep. It was a marsh it was also raining. Then we fell from the sky and from what I saw, I protected you both from the impact which knocked me out. Both of you were worried which I get I am special to both of you. Soon I saw these brown and white furred creatures that called themselves the Moki they went to explain where we were after you asked about where we were Solas. The moki also told you two that where we ended up was a place called Niwen and that we were the first spirits to be seen there in years. But the marsh and Niwen felt familiar..." Ori explained.

Sein and Solas looked at Ori with two different expressions. Solas had a slight confused look at the name Niwen while Sein was shocked "Niwen?" Sein spoke with shock. Ori heard the shock in her voice "You know about Niwen?" Ori asked. Sein nodded "I do. Its where my sister resides." She told Ori "What's her name?" Ori asked a bit shocked himself. "Her name is Seir, she's a golden orb of light like how I was before well, the event." Sein told them about Seir. "The event... Do you mean the event where you and dad had to journey through Nibel?" Solas asked her mother.

Sein looked at her surprised "yes but... how do you know about it?" she asked Solas "Well, I may have told her." Ori suddenly spoke which caught Sein's attention. "Before I had a possible vision which was the thing about Niwen, I had a nightmare about the blindness but thankfully Solas was there and comforted me which I'm grateful for." Ori explained.

Ori then handed out the fruit he collected for them to eat. Sein and Solas said their thanks and began to eat the fruit with Ori eating as well. After they ate, the juice stained the fur on their paws while Ori managed to get it on his arms "I should really try to not get my fur stained with the juice." Ori said before heading to the lake outside the cave and jumped into the water.

Sein and Solas soon went to the lake and washed the fur on their paws as Ori resurfaced "The water felt nice." he said as he got out of the water and began to dry off using his spirit light with Sein and Solas drying their paws with their spirit light.

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