Chapter 17: Riding the winds into Sorrow pass

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The two lovers were in thought while they rested, they couldn't get that vision of Kuro out of their heads "Why won't it leave? I already have another thing that won't leave, I don't need a second one. Though I do feel bad for Kuro despite all the things she did to us." Ori thought. The spirit tree soon spoke to Ori "I feel...reasonable for all of this. I would like to apologise for what I did to cause such a catastrophe..." the tree said in a sorrowful tone "No. I get it. You just wanted me back in your care. You truly don't need to apologise." Ori replied.

While Ori was speaking to the Spirit tree, Sein was not only still thinking about the vision with Kuro but also what Ori told her earlier that day "Will we truly start a family?" she thought while she looked at Ori. Sein soon noticed that a small patch of Ori's fur was gold "What the? Does Ori know about this?" she thought. She soon got Ori's attention, pulling him from his thoughts "Hey, Ori?" Sein called him "Yeah?" he answered with a questioning tone "Did you notice that some of your fur is gold?" she asked while pointing to his lower arm. Ori gave a confused look before looking at his arm to see the small patch of golden fur "Huh? Well, I do now." he said.

He soon remembered about his dream "If there's golden fur on my arm? Then that means... it wasn't a dream, was it?" Ori spoke with a mixture of disbelief and shock. "Well, from what you told me. You had golden fur in the same places as my blue fur. seeing golden fur here means that it wasn't just a dream." Sein told him, confirming that it was no dream but a vision.

Ori's eyes widened with shock, disbelief and happiness knowing that Naru will somehow be revived, the Spirit tree will think of a way to allow Sein to stay with Ori, and he and Sein will start a family of their own. "I don't believe it." Ori finally spoke with visible happiness as a big smile formed on his face. Sein saw the overwhelming happiness coming from Ori "I know, it's amazing that you'll get to see Naru again." she said as she began to hug Ori "That's only half of it, Sein. Remember the other half of it?" he asked as he begun to hug back.

Sein thought for a moment before remembering what Ori told her about the spirit, Solas. Sein's eyes began to water as blue tears of joy and happiness started to form "Does this mean..." Sein started as her tears started to fall "Yes, this means we'll be a family." Ori finished Sein's sentence before they shared a kiss. They separated soon after "I'm really happy for us." Ori spoke "I agree. But we should get to the Sunstone now. We still have the last element to cleanse." Sein informed Ori. "Alright. Let's go." he said as they both got up.

Both spirits began to ride the wind upward using the feathers into Sorrows pass, they had to carefully move through the entrance of Sorrow pass since there were spikes on the walls. They came across a Darkwing, which flew towards the spirits only to be bashed by the spirits. "Here we are. Sorrow pass." Sein said as they were rising upward.

The two landed on the ground and looked around. Ori could sense many dark presences "There are a lot of creatures of decay here." Ori told Sein "Understood." she replied. They began walking to soon find a keystone "There's a spirit gate somewhere around here." Sein said as Ori picked it up "Well, we should find the other keystones." Ori replied. They soon began looking for the other keystones.

While they were searching, they came across several creatures of decay "It seems we'll be fighting while we find the keystones and the Sunstone." Sein spoke getting ready to fight. Ori stopped her "Let me handle this." he said as he summoned his golden flame sword while his body was flowing with the Spirit tree's light. Sein felt the light coming from Ori and was amazed by it. Ori soon took off in a blink of an eye before returning in seconds while all the creatures of decay now lay motionless on the ground.

Sein was speechless "W-What j-just h-happened..." was the only thing she said. "I suppose that was the full extent my speed ability I get when I use the Spirit tree's light." Ori replied. He quickly noticed that there was more golden fur on his arm now "There's more golden fur now. I suppose more appears when I use his light." Ori added before they started to look for the keystones again.

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