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It's been a few minutes after Ori, Sein and Solas ate the fruit. Ori couldn't get Niwen out of his head "What's so interesting about Niwen? Why does it sound so familiar?" he mentally asked himself "You seem distracted, Ori. Is something on your mind?" Sein asked "Yeah, it's about Niwen. I may know nothing about the place, but I do hope everything is ok over there." he answered with worry evident in his tone "I'm sure everything is fine over in Niwen." Sein replied with Solas giving a nod, agreeing with her mother.

The three soon heard a voice from the entrance of the cave "Ori! Sein! The egg is hatching!" they looked towards the voice to see Gumo with a big smile on his face. "Its hatching!" Ori replied. Gumo nodded "It is! Come and see!" Gumo said before heading back to Swallow's nest. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Sein spoke before heading to the spirit well with Ori and Solas following behind.

They warped to Sunken glades and continued heading to Swallow's nest at a quick pace. They soon arrived at Swallow's nest and entered the cave to see Naru holding a newly hatched baby owl "They look like Kuro." Ori spoke as he, Sein and Solas approached Naru "Yes. We just need to give her a name." Naru said. "Wait, they're a girl? I guess I have an adopted sister now." Ori thought before thinking of a name. While Ori was thinking, he thought about Kuro before getting an idea "What if I shorten Kuro's name? Maybe Ku?" he thought "How about Ku?" Ori spoke "Ku? That's a nice name for her." Naru replied with a smile.

Ku soon opened her eyes which were the same colour as Kuro's eyes and looked at the three spirits. Ori began to speak when he saw Ku look at them "Hey, Ku. I'm Ori, this is Sein, and this is Solas." He introduced himself, Sein and Solas to Ku "Hello, Ku." Both Sein and Solas said in unison.

Ori soon noticed that Ku's right wing lacked many of her feathers "Oh no... Mum did you see Ku's right wing?" Ori asked. Naru looked at it and saw the lack of feathers "Oh... she has a birth defect." Naru said, saddened. "Well, me and Sein do still have the feathers from Kuro, maybe those can help?" Ori asked with Sein nodding "Hmm... I suppose I could use one of the feathers for a possible solution." Gumo said as he began to think.

About an hour had passed since Ku had hatched, Gumo began to think of a solution for her wing with Ori and Sein providing the feathers they have while Solas helped Naru with Ku "I should be able to use one of the feathers for something." Gumo said in thought "I'll leave the feather I have here so you can use it." Ori said while putting the feather on a nearby table that Gumo had made a few weeks back "Thank you, Ori." Gumo thanked Ori "Anything to help Ku." Ori replied.

Ori soon heard the Spirit tree in his mind "Ori may I speak to you outside of the cave?" he asked "Sure. I'll let them know that I'll be outside if they need me." Ori replied before telling them and exiting the cave. "So, what is it?" Ori asked the Spirit tree while looking at him in the distance "I have investigated about what you told me and... we have a problem." the tree replied with worry evident in his tone. Ori began to worry slightly "What kind of problem?" he asked with worry "Well, to put it simply. Niwen has lost its light." the Spirit tree informed. Ori's body froze when he heard what the Spirit tree said "L-lost i-its l-light?" Ori stuttered with wide eyes "Yes, I'm not certain how but you should tell Sein about this." the tree replied. "I'll tell her now. She needs to know this more than I do. She has a sister that that resided in Niwen." Ori said to the tree "Understood." was the only thing that the tree said before fading from Ori's mind.

Ori took a deep breath and headed back into the cave to tell Sein the bad news. Ori approached Sein who saw Ori's worried expression "Are you ok, Ori?" she asked with a little worry of her own "Well, it's about something the Spirit tree told me. Can you please come with me out of the cave?" Ori asked. Sein was a little confused but nodded and left the cave with Ori. "What did the Spirit tree tell you?" Sein asked once they were out of the cave "He told me some bad news about Niwen." Ori replied which made Sein worry more "What happened? Is everything ok over there?" she asked with worry. Ori shook his head "No, everything is not ok in Niwen. It... lost its light... it lost Seir. Me and the Spirit tree don't know how." he told her. Sein's eyes widened "Oh no. We need to get there asap! I hope Seir's ok." she said as her breathing became unstable. Ori approached Sein and hugged her "We will but I don't know how to get there. Please calm down." He said to her.

Sein began to take deep breaths to calm down as she returned the hug "We need to think of a way to get there." she said, still worried about her sister "Don't worry, there must be a way. I'll see if we could use a boat to get to Niwen. I just need to see if I can see it." Ori said before letting go of Sein. "Ok. Go and see if we can use a boat, I'll tell them about this." Sein said. Ori nodded "Understood. I'll be back soon." He said before giving Sein a kiss then left in a flash of light.

While Sein went back in the cave to tell them the news, Ori went east of Nibel past the Thornfelt swamp and arrived at the eastern edge of Nibel "Ok. This is where the Spirit tree said Niwen was so it's time to look for it." Ori said before looking out to the ocean. He soon Saw an island in the distance. The only thing that Ori could make out was a giant tree next to a cliff side, but it looked... dead, there was no leaves on the branches and no light on the mantle nor in the bark of the tree. "Oh no... We need to get there as fast as possible before all the inhabitants die out." Ori said before he felt the odd feeling of familiarly. Ori quickly pushed it to the side as he ran back to Swallow's nest...

Tobe continued in Ori and the decayed land...

Ori and the light of NibelWhere stories live. Discover now